Arrive in style: secrets for business travelers

Royal Coachman
Royal Coachman
Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2017

Traveling for business doesn’t have to be a frenzied affair filled with long layovers and delayed flights. With a little planning, you can infuse your next business trip with style and comfort.

Choose the Direct Flight

When choosing a flight, sometimes it’s tempting to go for the cheapest option. Inexpensive flights, however, often mean connections, layovers, and inconvenient departure times. If you want to optimize your travel experience, always choose the direct flight. What you don’t save in terms of money, you’ll make up for in convenience. Connections and layovers waste time and energy. You want to show up for your first business-meeting alert and ready to work. Wasting time on air travel will only slow you down.

Arrive in Style

When landing in an unfamiliar city, you could get a rental car or try to navigate the public transportation system. If you want to travel in style, however, consider hiring our Newark limo service. Our experienced chauffeurs can guide you through the area, ensuring that you’re on time for every business meeting. Choosing to use a Parsippany limousine service also means that you have time to look over your notes before heading into a meeting. Being prepared never goes out of style.

Dress to Impress

You’ve chosen your business attire. Your suit is pressed, your shoes are shined, and you’ve coordinated the color of your socks. But your travel style shouldn’t begin and end with the business meeting. You should make sure you’re always dressed to impress, even when in the airport. An airline is more likely to give out seat upgrades to people in pressed pants and button down shirts. Ditch the sandals and shorts and wear clothes worthy of a first class seat. You never know — you might just snag one!

Get Ahead of Jetlag

If you’re traveling between time zones, you may think jetlag is inevitable. But you don’t want to show up to your business meeting with dark circles under your eyes. Thankfully, there are ways to minimize the effects of travel on the body. First, get as much sleep as possible before your flight. Also, ditch the caffeine. Instead of energy boosting coffee, choose water, which will keep the body hydrated as you cross time zones. Eating healthy foods is also key, as fruits, vegetables, and lean meats give the body the nutrients it needs to produce energy. Some experienced travelers even bring a TCA-approved blender on business trips. That way it’s easy to whip up protein shakes on the go.

Choose a Nice Hotel

If you have a packed schedule, you might be tempted to opt for an inexpensive hotel. After all, you’ll only be using your room to sleep. But when you’re on the road, it’s better to choose a stylish, comfortable hotel room. After a long day full of meetings, you’ll want a room that gives you space to relax. If you’ve accrued travel points on previous trips, consider spending them on a room upgrade. Traveling in style is definitely worth it.

Originally published at Royal Coachman.



Royal Coachman
Royal Coachman

Wherever in the world your business or personal travel takes you, Royal Coachman provides the finest chauffeured limousine services in New Jersey and Worldwide.