Why giving your employees a commuter program is the best perk

Royal Coachman
Royal Coachman
Published in
5 min readOct 11, 2016

If you’re the manager or owner of a business, you know how important it is to have a good supporting cast around you at all times. From ensuring your business stays humming in the day to day to knowing when and where things need to get done, your employees are the lifeblood of your company, and finding good ones, the truly amazing ones who relieve your stresses and surprise you with their work ethic and ability to foresee things on a daily basis, is a challenge for many a business owner and manager.

Rewarding your best employees is an absolute must; even though they’ll never say it, they need to be re-assured that they are appreciated and valued for their contributions to your company. But when you do find those rare, amazing employees, it can be just as much of a challenge to figure out how best to reward them for their commitment, expertise and hard work. So what can you do for your best employees when they go above and beyond for your company?

The first step to answering the question is to ask yourself what your best employee would find useful. You want your reward to them to be something that makes their lives easier, whether at home with their family or in their constantly stressful professional life. Consider what obstacles they face in the day to day and give them a reward that can remove some of the obstacles, make their day easier or relieve some of their stresses.

What do you think about providing your employee a commuter program? Why?

A Bad Commute Can Make a Good Day Bad and a Bad Day Worse

If your employee is commuting to the city every day, consider what they go through just to get to work. Rush hour can mean sitting in stop-and-go traffic for hours a day, fighting congestion, missed exits and unexpected delays at every turn. This can often equal a bad day for your best employee before they even reach your office’s parking lot. And even though they would never admit it and will go on working hard and delivering on their promises each and every day, your best employee feels the stress big time and by Friday, might even be exhausted at just the idea of fighting the traffic to get home.

Providing them with a respite from the arduous waters of rush hour traffic, can be the difference between a week that ends on high spirits and accomplishment and one that has felt taxing and draining.

Give Them Some Extra Time to Relax

If you know anything about your best employees, it’s that they don’t take much time for themselves. They’re always on the go, finding new and more efficient ways to help your company, get ahead on their work schedule or churn out their most productive day ever. And while you’re more than thankful that you found such a workhorse, it is concerning when a person never has time to focus on themselves and simply relax.

One of the key benefits of having a commuter shuttle program, is that your employee can simply sit in the back of the vehicle and relax. They can take a much needed nap, listen to music or meditate if they want. The point is that they don’t have to contend with the congested traffic or focus on navigation. And getting back any time for themselves will work wonders with reducing their stress levels and re-energizing for the coming week.

Your best employees deserve to know they are appreciated; show your best and brightest how much they mean to your company by removing one of the biggest stresses in the professional world and letting them have their commutes for personal time, instead of fighting traffic and congestion just trying to get home.

Royal Coachman provides corporate shuttles for employee commuter program

Currently, 7.6 million workers in the United States receive employer-provided commuter benefits. Are your employees among them? Your company should consider joining the growing number of employers who are offering such benefits — and gaining the fiscal rewards if the answer is no.

At any level, offering commuter benefits enables your company to positively influence your employees’ travel choices, promote a more productive work environment, improve employee retention, and demonstrate a commitment to cleaner air in the community.

Save Your Company Money with employee commuter program from Royal Coachman

Save thousands of dollars in hiring and training costs by providing a commuter benefit program for employees, many of whom may battle with rising transportation costs. One study found that, on average, it costs a firm 25 percent of a position’s annual salary plus 25 percent of the cost of benefits to replace an employee.

Furthermore, when considering the indirect expenses of advertising, recruitment, and new employee training, not to mention lost productivity, it can cost a company up to 150 percent of an employee’s annual salary to replace him or her.

Increase Your Business’s Ability to Recruit and Retain Employees

Compete and win at hiring and retaining the most qualified workers by offering comprehensive benefits, including a commuter benefit program.

  • Develop a more diversified workforce and create a more positive work environment by enticing workers who might otherwise not be able to commute to your company’s facility.
  • Present your company as a proactive and innovative workplace.
  • Demonstrate your company’s support of work-life balance, which is extremely important to today’s workforce.

Royal Coachman is a leading provider of customized corporate Newark limos, corporate shuttle services and convention shuttle services, delivering a wide range of ground transportation solutions to accommodate relocations, alleviate overcrowded employee parking lots, and reduce the environmental impact of commuting in single passenger vehicles by designing traditional fixed-route, circulating corporate and community shuttles, demand response corporate or convention shuttles, airport to hotel and event shuttles, corporate park and commuter shuttles, as well as managing multiple-venue convention shuttles.

Contact Royal Coachman now to find out more about the Employee Commuter Program we can offer with the help of our finest fleet.

Originally published at Royal Coachman.



Royal Coachman
Royal Coachman

Wherever in the world your business or personal travel takes you, Royal Coachman provides the finest chauffeured limousine services in New Jersey and Worldwide.