Important Facts to Keep in Mind About Pigment Removal

Royal Indulgence
3 min readMay 14, 2020


Small or large patches forming pigments on the skin cause agony, but removing them is possible. Only the dermatologists treat them through laser therapy.

Woman making beauty procedures at a beauty salon

Anyone can get pigmentation marks on their face or body when they have to remain out in the strong sun rays for long. Rather, with age, pigmentation marks seem to increase. The pigmentation marks are seen as large discolored areas on foreheads and cheeks. Such discoloration of skin takes place when skin pigment melanin starts forming deposits on certain parts of the skin.

Now the pigmentation can be easily treated through pigment removal techniques. The practitioners apply the laser technology that is specialized skin pigmentation treatment for eliminating the pigmentation marks.

What is meant by Pigmentation?

Pigmentation denotes pigmentation disposition or tissue coloration that ultimately leads to skin discoloration. Pigmentation marks cause marks like age spots, melasma, flat birthmark pigments, and freckles. Sunspots or lentigines are responsible for the age spots, which are even termed as freckles. On the other hand, melasma appears as brown patches on people’s faces and for the women as pregnancy marks.

Pigmentation Types to be Treated with the aid of Laser Therapy

· Freckles — The brownish small spots visible on the skin, caused by pigment disposition are the freckles. These increases in the number and can even darken when exposed to sunlight. Laser treatment is appropriate to remove these pigments.

· Melasma — Brown patched skin discoloration on the face, which is caused due to sunspots or solar lentigos, birthmarks, freckles, and port-wine stains. On visiting the practitioners, they help can treat the matter effectively with laser treatment.

· Birthmarks — Flat brown or black color patches that fade with the application of laser pigment removal therapy.

· Solar Lentigos — Brown colored small pigmented spots appearing on the skin with vividly defined edge and are surrounded by normal skin. These pigmented spots occur in the sun-exposed skin areas, such as hand tops and face, and can be removed through laser therapy.

· Port-wine Stains — The pigmentation defects wherein the reddish-purple skin discoloration takes place due to a few red blood vessels that became swollen in the body. But the condition can be treated through laser therapy.

Chief Benefits of Pigmentation Treatment

After you visit the clinics and consult the dermatologists for pigmentation therapy, the dermatologists will definitely pay heed to your request. In fact, pigmentation therapy yields several benefits which are -

i. The skin gains a radiant glow due to the treatment.

ii. Even the skin achieves a smooth appearance while the pore sizes significantly reduce.

iii. Pigmentation therapy renders a dramatic improvement to the skin in skin hyperpigmentation.

iv. The therapy is highly effective in melasma treatment, acne control as well as acne marks prevention.

v. Pigmentation therapy is cost-efficient and a safe treatment procedure.

vi. The treatment procedure is secured and comfortable altogether. Rather, after the treatment, you shall indeed recover soon.

vii. The cosmetic pigmentation treatment can treat the small pigmented dots to large patches.

viii. Modern pigment removal techniques are effective in boosting collagen production. In fact, the scar formation receives a great setback.

Each of these benefits are proven pigment treatment techniques. It is highly effective for revitalizing the skin and fostering a youthful and flawless appearance.

When you meet the pigment removal dermatologists for laser treatment, they will question you about your health and medications. You are required to provide them with all the correct details concerning your medical past. Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation starts fading away in these are not scarred. The post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation takes about one year to fade. Often the dermatologists apply Microdermabrasion procedure for faster fading using a machine and targeting the dead skin in the disputed area. The skin revives within five days. Nevertheless, skin health determines the need for Microdermabrasion.



Royal Indulgence

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