What are The Major Causes of Wrinkling?

Wrinkling is a common part of aging. However, it has a number of causes. Let’s try to find the major causes of wrinkling.

Royal Indulgence
2 min readAug 10, 2020

Wrinkles are natural. They are mostly found on sun-exposed skin like the face, hands, neck, forearms, etc. Wrinkling is a part of aging. According to the research, some major causes are also found that can lead to wrinkling. In this article, we are going to share with you 4 main causes of wrinkling. Let’s start the discussion below.

Cause of wrinkles

According to medical experts and professionals, wrinkles can be caused by many reasons such as aging, UV ray exposure, smoking, & repeated facial expressions. Let’s take a closer look at these causes.

  1. Aging:

As we get older, our skin naturally becomes fragile & less elastic. Lower production of natural oils may dry the skin. As a result, wrinkles & fine lines appear. Wrinkles may cause saggy, loose skin & crevices.

2. Ultraviolet light exposure

Ultraviolet radiation is harmful to our skin. It generally boosts up the aging process & this is one of the primary causes of wrinkling. UV ray exposure can break down the connective tissues (elastin fibres and collagens) of your skin which generally lie in the dermis or the deeper layer of the skin. Our skin starts losing flexibility and strength due to lack of supportive connective tissue. Skin starts to wrinkle and sag prematurely.

3. Smoking:

Smoking is another cause of wrinkles and fine lines. This is because smoking also accelerates the aging process of our skin. Experts said that collagens are affected by smoking. So, if you smoke regularly then you have a high chance of wrinkling.

4.Repeated facial expressions:

Last but not the least, frequent facial expressions and movements like smiling or squinting may lead to wrinkles and fine lines. As we get older, our skin loses its elasticity and flexibility as well. Due to the lack of elasticity, the skin is unable to spring back again. As a result, the grooves become permanent on the face skin.

So, these are the major causes of wrinkles. Wrinkles and fine lines are generally removed by the skin tightening treatments in Perth.There are a number of anti-aging creams and anti-wrinkle serums available in the market but they never give you the permanent solution. Experts suggest a therapy called vampire facelift for removing wrinkles. This is a natural, non-surgical and safe process in which platelet-rich plasma or PRP of your blood cell is used to make your skin firmer, brighter & younger. Vampire facelift is a very effective procedure.

To get a firmer, wrinkles free and younger-looking skin, Vampire facelift can be effective for you. This is a safe process. However, smokers get less effective results than non-smokers.



Royal Indulgence

Royal Indulgence Cosmetic and Medispa Clinic is an Aesthetic Clinic where our aim is to make you feel uniquely special. www.royalindulgence.com.au