Steps to Fertilize Your New Jersey Lawn

Royal Landscapes
4 min readDec 3, 2019


If you are planning to fertilize your lawn, there are a few things that are essential to consider. Different decisions like your timing or the type of fertilizer you use play an important role in the fertilization process. Here are a few tips to consider if you are contemplating the fertilization of your lawn.

The Timing

One of the primary factors to consider while fertilizing your lawn is the timing. If you are planning to fertilize your lawn, spring is the best time as the temperature reaches 55 degrees Fahrenheit. At this temperature, the grass starts growing, and lilacs commence to blossom. Therefore, April is the month you should consider for fertilizing your lawn. If you are sure about the correct timing, contact experienced lawn care services south jersey.

The Numbers

Fertilizer packet comes with three numbers written on the label that indicates the percentage of N, P, K. (nitrogen, phosphate, and potassium). For example, a big with a stamp of 20–5–10 stated that the fertilizer has twenty percent nitrogen, five percent phosphate, and ten percent potassium. The remaining percentage of the fertilizer is the filler material that helps in assuring a seamless and even application.

Slow-Release Fertilizer

The advantage of utilizing slow-release fertilizers is that their nutrients take time to break down, and you can wait for more prolonged periods between applications. In the case of standard fertilizers, you have to reapply every four weeks instead of every size to eight weeks in the case of slow-release fertilizers.

However, the fertilizers you use should not contain too much nitrogen. One-tenth of a pound per week is all your lawn needs, and the increased use of nitrogen will lead to a faster-growing grass that you have to mow repeatedly.

Ideally, you should give two to three pounds of nitrogen to your lawn for the entire growing season. If you are not sure about how much nitrogen or other elements to use, contacting experienced lawn care services in south jersey can help.


You should use granules on your lawn to ensure it gets an even coverage. However, for homeowners, the application of granular fertilizers might get challenging. Professional landscapers use tanker trucks and spray fertilizer around your entire lawn. If you don’t have the proper equipment to get the job done, it might get tough for you to get a consistent application of the fertilizer across your entire lawn. In such cases, the best decision you can make is to seek lawn services south jersey.

The Five Feedings

You should give the first feeding to your lawn when the soil temperature touched 55 degrees Fahrenheit. The most probable time for this temperature is mid-April.

You should give the second feeding one month (or four weeks) later, around mid-May. After that, regularly fertilize your lawn every six to eight weeks till October.

After the second feeding, replace your traditional lawn fertilizer with organic material like manure. Moreover, to achieve a better root growth, use a fall fertilizer that is higher in potassium and phosphorous.


Water is essential for lawn fertilization. However, the more you water your south jersey lawn, the more nutrients it needs because water promotes the growth of grass, and growing grass needs more nutrients. If you have a sprinkler system, you can feed your lawn every six weeks, but if you don’t, it is better to wait for a couple of more weeks between feedings.

Additionally, some fertilizers require watering of the lawn before feeding, whereas some require it after the application of fertilizers. For example, granular fertilizers require moisture, and therefore, watering the lawn before using the fertilizer is a must. Consequently, it is essential to refer to the fertilizer label to learn more about the watering and fertilizer application process.

Don’t Over-Apply

Over application of fertilizers can have adverse effects, and can deteriorate the overall fertility of your soil. All fertilizer labels come with an application rate, and the golden rule is to apply the half of whatever is recommended on the label. To use the fertilizer, commence with the perimeter of your lawn, and slowly work your way to the middle.

Apply the fertilizer in a criss-cross pattern to ensure you are covering a wider area without overapplying the fertilizer. If you are not sure of the amount to use, start with applying little amounts because too much application can deteriorate the grass. If you are not sure about how much fertilizer to use, consulting lawn care services south jersey would be an excellent idea.

The Bottom Line

Fertilization of your lawn is essential as it makes your lawn ready for its first feeding. However, the fertilization process requires expertise and precision, as inappropriate use of fertilizers or types of equipment can have adverse effects on the soil. Don’t use too much fertilizer and take ample breaks between feedings. If you are new to lawn fertilization, contact professional lawn care services south jersey.



Royal Landscapes

Royal Landscapes is one of the top landscaping company in South Jersey. We offer various type of landscaping services throughout the South Jersey area.