Intellectual Property of Alexander J. Leschik

A New Era of Advancement

Alexander Leschik - AL1
5 min readSep 21, 2023


Leschik’s Law : A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding AI’s Exponential Growth & The End of Moore’s Law.


Leschik’s Law states that the performance of AI models doubles every N months, while the cost of training and deploying them decreases by half, adjusted for the speed, scalability, and ethical barriers busted by AI & ML.

Updated Formulas

Performance Doubling with Ethical Adjustment


Cost Halving with Scalability Adjustment


Parameters Explained

  • Performance and Cost: These are the performance and cost metrics at a given time t, respectively.
  • Performance₀ and Cost₀: These are the initial performance and cost metrics.
  • t: This is the time in months.
  • N: This is the number of months in which performance doubles, allowing for more granularity.
  • Speedup Factor: This is the factor by which AI & ML technologies double the speed.
  • Ethical Factor: This is a multiplier that accounts for ethical considerations like fairness, transparency, and data privacy.
  • Scalability Factor: This is a multiplier that accounts for the scalability of the AI model, including data storage and parallel processing capabilities.

Leschik’s Law in Python

import math

def calculate_leschiks_law(t, N, Performance_0, Cost_0, Speedup_Factor, Ethical_Factor, Scalability_Factor):
# Calculate Performance
Performance = Performance_0 * math.pow(2, (t / N)) * math.pow(Speedup_Factor, t) * Ethical_Factor

# Calculate Cost
Cost = Cost_0 * math.pow(0.5, (t / N)) * math.pow(Speedup_Factor, t) * Scalability_Factor

return Performance, Cost

# Example usage
t = 24 # Time in months
N = 12 # Performance doubles every 12 months
Performance_0 = 1 # Initial performance
Cost_0 = 100 # Initial cost
Speedup_Factor = 1.1 # 10% speedup every month
Ethical_Factor = 0.9 # 10% reduction due to ethical considerations
Scalability_Factor = 1.05 # 5% improvement in scalability

Performance, Cost = calculate_leschiks_law(t, N, Performance_0, Cost_0, Speedup_Factor, Ethical_Factor, Scalability_Factor)
print(f"Performance after {t} months: {Performance}")
print(f"Cost after {t} months: {Cost}")

Updated for 20 Year Application (1/1/2024)

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Time frame in years
years = np.arange(2024, 2044)

# Moore's Law: Computing power doubles every 2 years in the semiconductor industry
moore_law_semiconductor = np.array([2**(year/2) for year in range(len(years))])

# Leschik’s Law applied to AI/ML in the semiconductor industry
# Assuming AI/ML leads to a significant increase in efficiency and production
leschik_law_semiconductor = np.array([2**(year) for year in range(len(years))])

# Plotting
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 7))

# Moore's Law Impact on Semiconductor Industry
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.plot(years, moore_law_semiconductor, label='Moore\'s Law Impact', color='blue')
plt.title('Semiconductor Industry: Moore\'s Law')
plt.ylabel('Computing Power Growth')

# Leschik’s Law Impact on Semiconductor Industry with AI/ML Integration
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.plot(years, leschik_law_semiconductor, label='Leschik’s Law with AI/ML', color='green')
plt.title('Semiconductor Industry: Leschik’s Law with AI/ML')
plt.ylabel('Efficiency and Production Growth')



To prove Leschik’s Law in Python, we can use the following steps:

  1. Define the initial performance and cost metrics (Performance₀ and Cost₀).
  2. Define the number of months in which performance doubles (N).
  3. Define the Speedup Factor, Ethical Factor, and Scalability Factor.
  4. Calculate the Performance and Cost at a given time t using the following formulas:



Use code with caution. Learn more


  • Verify that the Performance and Cost at a given time t are consistent with Leschik’s Law.

Theoretical Charts and Breakdowns

Comparing Leschik’s Law with Moore’s Law

Moore’s Law states that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles approximately every two years, leading to an increase in computing power and a decrease in cost per transistor. However, it doesn’t account for factors like speed, scalability, and ethical considerations, which are crucial in the AI & ML domain.

Here’s a theoretical comparison:

Updated 9/21/23

Why Leschik’s Law is More Relevant

1. Speed Factor: Leschik’s Law considers the speedup factor, which is crucial for real-time AI applications.
2. Ethical Factor: It incorporates ethical considerations, making it more aligned with responsible AI development.
3. Scalability Factor: It takes into account the scalability of AI models, which is essential for large-scale deployments.
4. Granularity: It allows for more granularity by letting you define the number of months in which performance doubles (N).

Leschik’s Law in Python: Proof and Enhancements

Updated Python Code with Plotting

To visualize the law, we can plot the performance and cost over time. I’ll use `matplotlib` for plotting.

import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def calculate_leschiks_law(t, N, Performance_0, Cost_0, Speedup_Factor, Ethical_Factor, Scalability_Factor):
Performance = Performance_0 * math.pow(2, (t / N)) * math.pow(Speedup_Factor, t) * Ethical_Factor
Cost = Cost_0 * math.pow(0.5, (t / N)) * math.pow(Speedup_Factor, t) * Scalability_Factor
return Performance, Cost

# Parameters
t_values = np.linspace(0, 24, 100) # Time from 0 to 24 months
N = 12
Performance_0 = 1
Cost_0 = 100
Speedup_Factor = 1.1
Ethical_Factor = 0.9
Scalability_Factor = 1.05

# Calculate and Plot
Performance_values = []
Cost_values = []

for t in t_values:
Performance, Cost = calculate_leschiks_law(t, N, Performance_0, Cost_0, Speedup_Factor, Ethical_Factor, Scalability_Factor)

plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))

plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.plot(t_values, Performance_values, label='Performance')
plt.title('Performance Over Time')
plt.xlabel('Time (months)')

plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.plot(t_values, Cost_values, label='Cost', color='r')
plt.title('Cost Over Time')
plt.xlabel('Time (months)')



To prove Leschik’s Law, you can:

  1. Use historical data to fit the model and validate the parameters (N, Speedup_Factor, Ethical_Factor, Scalability_Factor).
    2. Use statistical tests to confirm the goodness of fit.
    3. Run simulations to see if the model predicts future performance and cost accurately.


# Import necessary libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

# Load the historical data
data = pd.read_csv('leschik_law_data.csv')

# Define the model parameters
N = 12 # Performance doubles every 12 months
Speedup_Factor = 1.1 # 10% speedup every month
Ethical_Factor = 0.9 # 10% reduction due to ethical considerations
Scalability_Factor = 1.05 # 5% improvement in scalability

# Create the model
model = LinearRegression()

# Fit the model to the data[['Time']], data[['Performance']])

# Make predictions
predictions = model.predict(np.array([[25]]))

# Print the predictions
print('Predicted performance after 25 months:', predictions[0])

By doing this, you can empirically validate Leschik’s Law and its parameters.

