Data Science

3 min readDec 15, 2021


Most people when asked about what they want to achieve or pursue in the field of Computer Science and Technology they basically say Data Science or Statistics. You might hear some people saying things like

· I want a job

· I want a job in Statistics

· I want a job in Computer Science

· I want a job in Data Science

You might also hear someone saying “Aren’t Data Science and Statistics the same?”. To some this question might not arise in their mind as it is basically the same for them. But the concept of Data Science and Statistics are far different which although is connected with a thin bridge called ‘Data’. To some people it might appear Data Science as science of decoding data, to some it might differ something else. But the standard definition of Data Science is “A field in which scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract knowledge from big, small, easy, hard, structured, unstructured data respectively and apply knowledge from data across broad range of application domains.”

Now, coming again to our main part we started with most of the above responses and definitions said (except the standard one) are totally vague and not directed properly or directionless. This is due to the fact that many people lack guidance, many people wait for the guidance and response to there asked questions. But a delay due to lack of guidance and response can’t be accepted. You do not have to wait for anything, you can start it today with help of internet and research on fields you interested. You might also get confuse with some more things and fields related to Data Science and its ok to have confusion as those things are new to you.

Below is an explanation to some of the specialties in Data Science that might help you too some extent and get things clear in your mind.

1. Data Visualization: — This thing is all about telling story with data. You shall have an eagle eye to observe things and have a sharp mind to summarize data. If you are good with mind and eye you surely must try it and give it a go. You can use software like

· Microsoft Power BI

· Tableau

· IBM Cognos Analytics

· Looker and many more

2. Data Science Educator: — If you are good at explaining or teaching things to someone than this specialty might be for you. You can go with two ways. One is a classic path where you become full-time professor in a university. The other is a corporate training professional. It totally depends on you that what suits you cause the world needs both to rely on. To become a Data Science Educator, you must assure 2 things.

· You must have proper and useful knowledge to pass on this knowledge to others

· Secondly you must start with some blogs and video that provides your tutorials.

This are some of the specialty which are discussed here. There are many more specialty of Data science which can be discussed when they go with the trend but, the main idea of “Not Waiting and Starting Today” still remains superior and constant forever cause Data and Science are big things to learn.




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