7 Ways of How not to FAIL in your Digital Marketing career:

7 min readFeb 28, 2020


From my 1st day experience in a Digital Marketing internship by DigitalDeepak.

“Do you feel anxious about starting something new in life?”… I was very anxious and skeptical about stepping into the world of Digital Marketing. I wanted to learn from an expert in the field. And then I came across the digital marketing internship program offered by ‘Deepak Kanakraju’, who has a big brand in the name of ‘DigitalDeepak’. He was already running a successful internship program and had many online digital marketing courses listed on his website https://digitaldeepak.com/already impacting the lives of 1000s.

I joined the 2nd batch of the digital marketing internship. Highlights of the program: incentive based on performance, mentorship, interactive, to be part of a large community of digital marketers, Hands-on experience on each segment of Digital Marketing, placement assistance.

The first webinar happened on 25th Feb, where 600 highly enthusiastic students joined the room to learn a new skill and carve a path for themselves. ‘Deepak’ motivated us with some genuine thoughts like the ‘Golden Triangle Rule- Learn, Do, Teach’, as learning while teaching helps to understand well. We were asked to set up a GOAL and the session was quite an interactive right from the beginning.

We were briefed about the ever-expanding market (basically the money that is hidden) and how we need to be a Marketer first, as Digital marketing is only a tool to communicate with the audience worldwide, to enter the market. So it is very necessary to understand the fundamentals of Sales and Marketing, to strategies a successful Digital Marketing Campaign and earn out of it.

The basics of GLOBAL ECONOMICS and its impact were also discussed (Trust me I had little to no knowledge about economics, but this part did open up my mind and made me realize some research on this is reqd. as at the end of the day it is all about the economic condition of the country.)

To summarize, there are 7 key points that would keep one away from failing in the world of Digital Marketing.

1. Content created should be Communicated well:

Communication is a basic skill that should be acquired before steeping into Marketing and Sales. It basically helps anyone be it an employer, a freelancer, an entrepreneur, to put across their thoughts in a meaningful way to get their job done. Content writing or designing, on the other hand, is a key skill for Digital Marketing aspirants. It has to be interesting, engaging, thought-provoking and convincing. Good communication and content will drive traffic, engage them and lead to acquire clients or to make the sale.

To Master in Communication, one can Read practically anything (novels, self-help books, financial books would be a plus), Listen to Podcasts in any platform (Naval, Jay Shetty, Tony Robbins could be a few suggestions), Watch good content (The Big Short, Madmen, Suits etc), sit-coms, standup shows.

To Write good Content, one needs to get involved in writing daily, implement all the learning from reading, listening and watching. As we write, our thoughts organize, start to align with the situation and become more expressive. It is a constantly evolving process and we tend to get better with time.

“All is well when you sell sell sell”.

2. The Future of Digital Marketing :

Like me, a lot of people are unclear with the idea of Digital Marketing and most importantly about its survival. But ‘Deepak’ took a lot of time to explain that Digital Marketing is a modern-day tool to market ideas, products, and services. Marketing has been in existence for a very long time now. Every product made, needs to be marketed to reach the audience. Hence marketing will be a never-ending circle till the time a consumer base exists. And Digital Marketing is a simple and intelligent way to market in a bigger platform and it is only going to grow and evolve with time.

Marketing + Technology = Digital Marketing.

3. The Process of Integrated Digital Marketing:

You would come across a lot of people in the market whose Digital Marketing campaigns have not yielded good results. It is because they have not followed the most efficient process, i.e, ‘Integrated Digital Marketing’. As you can see from the picture, quality content with SEO and Social Media promotion can help to build an Email list of potential customers, to make the final sale. It creates a good customer base in the long run and is more effective than paid advertising. To know more about the process you can refer to https://digitaldeepak.com/integrated-digital-marketing/

4. How to select a niche to start your journey in Digital Marketing?

I know all of us face difficulty in discovering the niche. There are so many things on the internet that catch out attention and leave us confused. Believe me, I fall into the same category. But finding out the right niche is the most important thing in Digital Marketing.

Here, I will talk about some techniques that might be useful to you to get help in this regard. This is something I have learned from Deepak.

  • The niche should be a combination of one’s passion, talent and the Market Opportunity.
  • One’s niche should cater to 3 major fields in the market: Health, Money & Relationship.
  • One should research the market demand to better understand the profitable niche in the market.

Eg- Becoming an SEO expert in E-Commerce, Edtech, etc (in anyone one niche).

5. How to understand what the Market Demands?

As the market is changing rapidly, it becomes necessary to understand whether the selected niche is in demand or not, is it exhausted, are their chances of improvement, can the market be broken down to smaller segments, etc. To analyze the market demand the following steps could be taken into consideration:

  • Google Auto Suggest.
  • Amazon reviews.
  • Answerthepublic.com
  • Talk to customers.
  • Look for pre and post product services.

6. Making of Personal Brand:

Personal Branding can go a long way in building a reputation and trust in the market and that will give a boost to one’s business. It helps to show the world our character and personality and to do so we need to deliver more content. Publishing content across various platforms (Facebook, Twitter, BlogSpot, youtube, Linkedin, etc) will be necessary to build one’s brand that would help one to get more exposure and connect with more people in the business.

The idea of getting to fit in a group has become outdated now. Being original, creative and giving value to your customers, now has become a necessary attribute to survive in the competitive world.

Eg: Elon Musk’s image impacts ‘Tesla’ and ‘Space X’, Branding of ‘DigitalDeepak’ helped Deepak to get more customer for his courses and internship.

7. How Does The Funnel work?

The funnel is a very interesting concept in the field of Digital Marketing. It is basically the process that shows all the traffic driven from ads, SEO, etc, that enter the top of the funnel. At the bottom of the funnel remain only the potential buyers who are engaged with you - to read your blogs daily, or buy your products, or subscribe to your services. This process of conversion from wide traffic to narrow engaged traffic can also be automated with the various tools available in Digital Marketing.

In simple words, if there is a target of Rs 1Cr than we can drive 1,000,000 traffic on the top of the funnel. The aim should be to get 1000 potential buyers at the end of the funnel who could invest Rs 10,000 per person. Thus giving a revenue of 1Cr.

This was all the learning, the insights that I could manage to grab in the 1st class of my internship program. All in all, I could say, I took a good decision by joining the Digital Marketing internship program by Deepak Kanakraju. You can check out his website for free blogs and all his courses @ https://learn.digitaldeepak.com .I never thought I could write a blog, but one class did give me a lot of confidence to make it happen. I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Try to be the best in whatever you are doing as Deepak Kanakraju said — “The best Known will always beat the best.

