Beautiful, Powerful, Gay

Roy Grant
6 min readJan 10, 2017


You have inherent worth. You are an equal. You are beautiful. You deserve all and only good. You are intended and loved by the universe. You are powerful, you are a creator, and you can achieve anything you desire.

These are the essential truths you must now live by as you dive into self-acceptance, learn to love yourself in the now, and claim your power.

Being gay has nothing to do with it, and yet has everything to do with it. You have inherent worth simply because you exist, of course, but you are even more special because you are gay.

Though we are equals to all other humans, gay people see and feel the world in a different light. Perhaps it’s our strength and sensitivity — the gifts of adversity. Or perhaps it’s our creativity; the artistic genius which so many gay individuals possess. Or maybe it’s our unique ability to turn pain into beauty.

Think about how much beauty gay people have brought to the world. In fact, gay people have been pivotal in helping the world define beauty throughout the ages through art, fashion, literature, dance, theatre, and self-expression, and continue to push the boundaries of beauty today.

As an artist, let your silent mission statement for life be turning pain into beauty. And you can do that without even having to reference your pain; you can simply make your life about beauty.

Beauty and joy go hand in hand, and it’s time to start feeling joy in your life. You deserve to feel joy. Didn’t anyone ever tell you?

You are an artist. Perhaps in the traditional sense, perhaps not, but you are articulate in some way, I’m sure of it. And even if you can’t pin point in what way that is yet, I know you will find it, and I know you will excel at it and more for the rest of your life.

Do you know how powerful you are? It’s like your fingertips are burning with light, capable of forging beauty from nothing, and yes, much of that power is because you are gay. Because you have witnessed pain and are inspired to create its contrast.

Do you know how beautiful you are? It’s as though the entire universe was somehow contained within your body and continues to breathe through.

You are all the power, beauty, and value of the universe and more in one original soul, speaking through one original body, with one original voice.

I would love to hear your voice. I would love to see what you would do if the tethers were to slip loose. The knot is in your hands, in your stomach, in your mind — it does not exist outside of you.

Let it go. Untie that knot as if it were made of silk and so easily undone with one simple pull, and let all the splendor flood from you. Release the artist. Release your sexuality, be who you are, and love who you love, no explanation required. Let your love be public, be bold, be natural, because it is natural, natural and sweet as honey.

You know how we are growing the bee population to save our planet’s eco system? Well in the same sense we are at a point in time where we need more gay people (the bees) to flourish and thrive and grow and love who they love freely with respect so that the world remains harmonious and doesn’t fall apart. The world needs love! Your love and your spirit. Do us the favor. Allow yourself to provide it and help this planet flourish in the way it was meant to.

You are special to this world and we need you. Drop the armor and let the love in. Let the light and love you crave to express out no matter the audience or circumstance because you are beautifying this world; you are keeping it together and helping it evolve.

Love yourself from head to toe. Love yourself at the deepest level, the most superficial level, and every level in between, because you deserve love. Didn’t anyone ever tell you?

There are no mistakes, only fertilizer, and you are meant to grow. Not up, up and away from your past and mistakes but from your mistakes, from the filth, from the joy, and the lessons. Like a bee, take the pollen, the little bits of gold you’ve gotten from all the flowers, from all of your experiences, and make honey — the richer the better.

The color, fragrance, and taste of honey is different depending on what flowers the bee gets its pollen from. And your honey, your brand, your soul, life, voice and character are certainly unique and to be cherished because of the strange combination of flowers you’ve buzzed in and the experiences you’ve had. Not to mention the exquisite flavor of being gay.

There is no place for shame in your life anymore, you’ve had enough of that. How about some praise? What might that do for you? That feels funny, doesn’t it, to think about praising yourself, but how backwards is that? It should feel natural to you. And you can’t rely on it or wait for anybody else to give it to you. You have to provide it for yourself, now.

What if they finally came, your knight in gleaming armor atop a magnificent white horse, and when they removed their helmet they revealed that they were you? Are you willing to ride away with yourself and never look back and become the royalty you’ve always dreamed of becoming? Because you are royalty. You have royal blood, granted by the universe, as there is no greater indication of royalty than existence.

The universe chose you to exist and chose that you be gay. It was not a mistake. The universe gifted that to you. Who takes a gift from the universe itself and says, “What’s this? I don’t want this!” Who is born into royalty and says, “I don’t want to be special. Please take my crown away.” No one does that!

People around you and society as a whole may try to take your crown from you, but the reality is that they can’t. It’s in your blood, in your precious mind, and in your soul that may take many different shapes across the universe but never lose its value. Trying to separate your worth from who you are is like trying to separate sweetness from sugar — it can’t be done! They are one in the same.

Take the gift, accept your royalty, and bring beauty to this world under your rule. To be gay is special, never forget that. Cherish it. Honor it. Do something with it.

By now you may think I’m crazy about bees, and I suppose I am, but most of all I’m crazy about you. I’m crazy about being gay — I think it’s a wonderful, beautiful, special thing I feel honored to be, and I think that deep down inside you feel that way too. It’s simply been discouraged. And how do you heal something that’s been discouraged? You praise it.

That is your mission now, to praise yourself in every way. Celebrate who you are, be confident, and as a result, manifest a life worth living. A life of beauty and success. A life where the mirror is your friend and you’re your own friend too. Self-acceptance is the key to a magnificent life, and it starts by understanding the fact that your existence and your sexuality are gifts.

The universe has handed you a crown in that you are alive and you are gay. Are you going to accept it?

And if you haven’t answered, I’ll answer for you: YES!!

