How Copywriting And Memes Can Make Small Brands Stand Out

Roy Msoli
2 min readMay 8, 2023
Meme by Roy Msoli on

Tips and Tricks for Small Business Owners to Create Engaging Memes

Memes and copywriting play pivotal roles in shaping your brand’s online presence. Think of memes as the boosters and copywriting as the finesse—combining to propel your business into the digital limelight.

The Significance of Memes and Copywriting

A brand meme-copy by Roy Msoli

Imagine your audience as a savvy community, akin to the hustle and bustle of Nairobi's business district. Your memes should be the insightful conversations that resonate with their goals. Yet, if your copywriting lacks depth, it's like sharing data without a narrative. To capture attention, infuse your captions with sharp insights, sparking conversations and encouraging the sharing of valuable content.

Now, crafting a winning meme involves staying current, much like adapting to the ever-changing business landscape. Keep an eye on industry trends and seamlessly weave them into your brand’s unique persona, much like infusing local flavours into a signature dish.

Strategies for Kenyan Entrepreneurs

A fashion business meme by Roy Msoli

Don't shy away from trying something new! Embrace experimentation as you would a strategic business initiative, carefully evaluating its potential impact. Just as pioneering ventures can reap unexpected rewards, innovative meme strategies might bring about unforeseen yet highly beneficial results. Embark on the journey of creating content that breaks away from the norm and resonates with your audience on a deeper level.

Meme by Roy Msoli on

In conclusion, memes and copywriting are like partners in crime, much like the dynamic between innovation and strategic planning. Neglecting the significance of copywriting leaves a void where impactful messaging should be. Dedicate the effort needed to craft thoughtful and compelling content, fostering a connection that goes beyond the virtual space. Implement these strategies diligently, and witness the rise of your brand’s social media standing on a global scale.



Roy Msoli

Roy Msoli is a fitness enthusiast, and writer who founded MsoliMuscles, aimed at inspiring and motivating young people to live good, healthy lives.