What Are Genetic Syndromes, What Causes Them and What To Do?

Roy Singh
2 min readAug 23, 2017


What are Genetic Syndromes?

A syndrome is a disease or disorder that with more than one identifying feature or symptom. Each genetic syndrome has typical features or symptoms, which depends on the affected genes or chromosomes. Many times a child is born with obvious body deformities, abnormal organ function (for example: heart, brain, gut, or kidney), or neurological problems (for example, when a baby’s body is floppy or the baby is unable to nurse or bottle feed). However, other genetic syndromes start to take effect only once the baby is born and starts to feed and grow.

Most genetic syndromes cannot be cured, while some can via gene therapy. There are 4 common genetic syndromes that require no medicine, but special training to give the affected child a chance to be like a normal person. These are:

· Down Syndrome

· Turner Syndrome

· Rett Syndrome

· Williams Syndrome

What causes a Genetic syndrome?

Every cell in the human body contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, one set of which you inherit from your father and one set from your mother (making a pair). Each chromosome is made up of many genes, about 2,000 in each chromosome, for a total of 50,000 genes in each cell. These genes make all the proteins in the body, which promote development and growth, and carry out all body functions. Sometimes one or more of these genes or chromosomes are missing or mutated, or extra chromosomes are present, resulting in the proteins not getting made, made incorrectly, or too many getting made. Any of these situations can cause abnormal development and growth that results in a genetic syndrome.

What To Do If Your Child Suffers from Genetic Disorders?

Taking steps to ensure your child can perform basic activities needed for survival requires what is known as early intervention. There are centres for early intervention in Delhi for children afflicted with these or other genetic syndromes. Children afflicted from genetic disorders tend to have speech impediments and behavioural problems too. Centres for speech and language therapy in Delhi and centres for behavioural problems in Delhi can take care of these problems. Mostly, you can find all these services under one roof.



Roy Singh

I am a Graduate In Mass Communication From Delhi University. I love to write Blogs, Articles on Education and Career, Health and care, Property and Real Estate