Quantum Image Processing: The Future of Visual Data Manipulation

Suman Kumar Roy
4 min readAug 20, 2023


Quantum Image Processing (QIP) merges quantum mechanics and image processing, promising innovative ways to handle visual data. Traditional computing struggles with the increasing complexity of image tasks. Quantum computing capitalizes on quantum properties like superposition and entanglement to process information in novel ways.

Image processing involves modifying visual data for various applications. Quantum bits (qubits) exploit superposition to represent multiple states, offering potential speed advantages. Entanglement links qubits regardless of distance. QIP aims to develop algorithms using qubits for tasks like image compression, denoising, and recognition. Quantum parallelism could lead to faster solutions. This journey explores how quantum computing enhances image processing, compares quantum and classical methods, and reveals real-world applications. While QIP is emerging, its potential to transform visual data manipulation is captivating. Join us to uncover advancements, challenges, and breakthroughs in this exciting fusion of quantum mechanics and image processing.

Our exploration of quantum image processing begins with a detailed examination of various image representation techniques. We then focus on two specific methodologies: Flexible Representation of Quantum Images (FRQI) and Novel Enhanced Quantum Representation (NEQR), both of which embody the principles of superposition and entanglement. In FRQI, intensity values are encoded by precisely rotating a single qubit to a designated angle. NEQR, on the other hand, captures intensity values using a series of qubits controlled by a sequence of CNOT gates. We rigorously assess the merits and drawbacks of both approaches as we delve deeper into the chapter. Additionally, we explore other algorithms that have emerged from these two fundamental forms.


The FRQI state is a way to transform classical images into quantum images on a quantum computer, represented in a normalized state. This state contains information about the colors and positions of the image pixels, making it an efficient method for preparing images that can then be processed using quantum image processing algorithms. FRQI not only provides image representations but can also be useful for exploring other quantum computer tasks related to image processing. To prepare this state, only a polynomial number of simple operations and gates are required. We will be working with a 2x2 image, which means there are four pixels, and the color and position information is encoded in the FRQI state.

The FRQI state contains coded information in the form of colour and its related pixel position as shown below. FRQI state is prepared through a unitary transformation which has two steps. First applying the hadamard transform H = I ⊗H² , where I is the 2D identity matrix and H is the hadamard gate, on |0⟩³ , producing the state |H⟩.

State |0⟩ is initialised on all three qubits and hadamard gate is applied on the first two, creating superposition. The third qubit is our ancillary qubit. In the second step, controlled rotations are applied on the |H⟩ state as defined by,

FRQI [Link]


The NEQR representation stores grayscale values of every pixel in a qubit sequence, unlike FRQI which encodes probability amplitude. The entanglement of color information |f(y, x)> and location information |yx> represents the image. For a 2n x 2n image, the NEQR representation is expressed as:

NEQR allows for more convenient complex color operations compared to FRQI. It achieves a quadratic speedup in quantum image preparation and accurately retrieves digital images from quantum images. However, it requires more qubits to encode a quantum image.

NEQR [Link]

Quantum Image Processing (QIP) marks a groundbreaking fusion of quantum mechanics and image manipulation. This promising field exploits quantum properties like superposition and entanglement to process and represent images in ways classical methods cannot. Pioneering techniques like NEQR and FRQI showcase the potential to achieve faster and more efficient image processing. Challenges such as quantum noise persist, but QIP holds immense promise for revolutionizing industries like medicine, AI, and more. As quantum technology matures, QIP could reshape the landscape of visual data manipulation, pushing the boundaries of what’s achievable.


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Suman Kumar Roy

Completed M. Tech at NITK, Surathkal, Quantum Researcher @TCS Research, Quantum Computing, QML and Algorithm Enthusiast