Scenes from the Aftermath

Roz Ray
6 min readNov 16, 2023

A Neo-Noir Remix

Photo by Saeid Anvar from Pexels

№1: The Game Plan

The high rise had been built to blend. Brushed chrome siding, metal railings, plate glass. The neighborhood was like a gigantic Schwinn ten-speed. Detective Loveless picked her way past the police tape spider-webbing the sidewalk, held a hand up against strobing red and blue lights, and joined her partner at the door.

Detective Park didn’t look at her, but shifted his weight ever-so-slightly her way. “What’s the play, boss?” Park was new, to the city and to the job. Not that anyone ever became an old hand at this.

“Game face, Jae,” Loveless said. “These franchise types can get huffy.”

Park nodded, raised an eyebrow. A scar bisected his right eyebrow, a thin stripe marring the dark, graceful arc. It was the only imperfection in his face. It was a problem.

№2: Practically Perfect in Every Way

“Witnesses?” Loveless asks.

“Three,” the beat cop says, looking from her to Park, settling on Park. “Two back at the station, one had to go to work.”


“Anan Gupta.” Beat cop rips a page from his notebook and hands it to Park, who takes it and looks at Loveless like I know. Such a tired routine, the…



Roz Ray

Writes, teaches writing, and builds houses in Seattle, WA. To see more work, visit