Vexation Way: A Sci-Fi Fitness Adventure Series

Roz Ray
5 min readMay 18, 2020


Chapter One of a nine-part immersive exercise serial. For a primer on what this thing even is, click here.

Instructions: read the story alone or with an exercise partner. Perform exercise interludes as you read. Workout time: approximately 30 minutes. Workout intensity: variable.

Exercises in this chapter:

·Jumping Jacks

·Split Squats

· Hollow Body Hold

· Anterior Raise/Front Arm Raise

· Inchworm w/a Pushup

· Crunches

· Side Lunge/Lateral Lunge

· Glute Bridges

Recommended equipment for this chapter:

Dumbbells or Improvised Dumbbells

Recommended Soundtrack for this Series:

Vexation Way Soundtrack

Chapter One

The call comes as you’re strapping back into the rover: trouble, up Vexation Way. A distress call, simple SOS spamming the frequencies, lighting up Hoofer dashboards like yours from the Alpha Colony hinterlands all the way to the edge of Beta territory.



Roz Ray

Writes, teaches writing, and builds houses in Seattle, WA. To see more work, visit