The Hidden Impact of social media

4 min readAug 13, 2021


The most advanced form of media is electronic media which include audio, video, and digital recording, slide presentation, CD- ROM, and online content as well as media of television, telephone, radio, and computer.

It is available 24×7, news channels, broadcasting news.

Social networks include websites and applications that allow users to share content, ideas, opinions, beliefs, feelings, and personal, social, and educational experiences. They also allow communication between a wide range of users at the global level.

Social networking sites provide a platform for discussion on burning issues that have been overlooked in the present scenario.


There are 4.14 billion active social media users worldwide and an average of 2 million are joining them every day. We’re spending more time on social media than ever too - roughly 15 percent of our waking lives.

95% of adolescents aged 13-18 have access to a smartphone and 88% have access to a desktop or laptop at home.

Social media addiction

Because of its uncontrolled use, a lot of people are addicted to it.

Harmful consequences of social media addiction include low self-esteem, peer pressure, anxiety and depression attacks, lack of concentration, and poor sleep. It not only causes poor cognitive performance but also shrinks parts of the brain associated with maintaining attention. Nowadays social media has become their priority. Social media has created jealous behavior over illusion. People desire to have everything in their lives which is unfortunately not possible.

It triggers more sadness

The more we use social media, the less happy we seem to be.

The over-use of social networks will lead to failure in education and social relationships, and also leads to ineffective time management. Social media is not self-destructive and harmful on its own, but rather it is the way of using it that leads to positive and negative consequences.

Spending more time with social media than the real world friends

Social media can never be the replacement of real-world humans connections. People forget their family and future goals and waste their time in useless activities on social networking sites. Therefore, lt is necessary to engage ourselves in useful activities to avoid excessive social media usage.

In a 2018 study published in the journal Social Neuroscience, researchers noted there is a correlation between online social network size and human brain structure. Researchers used magnetic resonance imaging to study the brains of 33 Facebook users and found that people who spent more time on Facebook tended to have greater grey-matter volumes in the regions of the brain connected to social-semantic tasks, such as recognizing social-group members and attempting to understand their states and motivations. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it is a surprising side effect—although the study couldn’t determine which came first.

According to the National Institute of mental health, the chances for teenagers to be suffering from mental illness are greater than adults. 1 out of 5 teenagers suffering from a diagnosable mental disorder.

Affects academic performance

Students are one of the most important users of the virtual world and social networks. The overuse of social networks has positive and negative academic, social, and health consequences for the students. Reduced academic performance is one of the most important consequences of social networking overuse for students. The results of a study on medical students showed that students who used social networks and the internet more than average had poor academic achievement and a low level of concentration in the classroom.

Although it is enjoyable to watch interesting and informative videos on different topics, excessive use of it causes mental illness and distance from family.

Therefore we should spend our leisure time with our family and friends.

