Unexpected end — who will survive

Rose Toms
7 min readJul 18, 2017


Sarah was a gentle girl, humble and quiet by nature. Her face always was shining with a friendly smile. She never was arguing with others and was always ready to do good. Sarah had a younger sister — Laura, who was her complete opposite — exuberant, irresponsible that fails to respect any rules. She wanted always to be in the spotlight and everyone to admire her. She thought that the whole world revolves around her and should always receive everything she wants even if it meant to hurt someone.

Sarah was always among the excellent students in school, participated in Olympiads and won many awards. She knew what she wanted and with perseverance and diligence pursuing her goals. In contrast, Laura spent time at parties, watching TV or reading romances. In school was not doing well, teachers complained about it because of she broken discipline in class. She was a person adrift. She did not know what she wanted, she hadn’t aim, and was living day by day. Although they were very different, the two sisters a lot of loved each other.

Shortly after Sarah finished high school, and Laura just coming into puberty, their parents died in car accident. It was a difficult time for both. Now they left alone to cope with life. At this time they promised whatever happened they always would stay together and would help and care for each other. To confirm their promise, they carved it into two wooden tiles — each for one.

As Sarah was older from the two, responsibility for the family now was lying on her. She had to take care of Laura. This made her responsible and selfless. She started work in order to support herself and her sister. She was very respected by her colleagues. They admired her for the strength and selflessness. Whenever someone had a problem, came to her, because he knew that she was always ready to hear and to help.

When Laura grew also started working. But do not stay long in one place. She ever complained — of misunderstanding with colleagues, or of not satisfying with the salary or of the work was too hard or too boring and whatever else she could think of to blame other people or circumstances, but not to take responsibility for her own actions. Sometimes the employer fired her because she was not doing her work well.

Once she was just fired and decided to walk in the park. She was lost in thought about what she was achieved. When she carry out an assessment that her life until now he has passed. Suddenly, a big black dog came to her and it started to bark and to growl. She froze in fear and was not daring to move. Fortunately, nearby passed a young man who had seen what was happening and came to save her. When the dog saw him, it was frightened and ran away. Laura was relieved and thanked the stranger youth. She noticed that he was very handsome and slender, with a friendly appearance. She asked him for his name and he answered her that his name was Nick. They began to talk and understand that they have a lot of similar things that they liked. Nick offered her to send her home. She agreed and they were smiling walked toward her home. On the way, Nick told Laura that his company looking for employees and could help her to start work there. She was glad of the proposal because she would spend more time with him. For the first time in her life, she met such kind and polite person who really made her feel good and understood her. She was so calm in his presence.

Laura started working with Nick and the two converged lot and after one year they married. They were very happy. Sarah, on the other hand, was enjoyed for her sister and was always encountered when she needed her. When the young couple had children, Sarah was delighted to help and to care for them. The only thing that bothered her was that hadn’t own family. She was used to taking care of her younger sister and now when she was married, Sarah was alone. She was ready to give anything to have her own children, she was even willing to give up a splendid job that she loved so much. But she could not meet the right person to fulfill the desire of her soul. And so the years past.

Once Sarah listened to a conversation between two women, waiting in the queue at the supermarket. A sentence that she heard made her a very strong impression: “Contemporary medicine has invented a way for women who want to have children, but for one reason or another did not get — pregnant through IVF.” Her interest was attracted, in her heart arouse hope that she can become a mother and joined the conversation to learn more about this method. The woman explaining in detail what she knew. From that moment Sarah began to search for information, to consult the doctors and to make research to find out if there was a chance her dream to become a reality. Many questions were arisen in her mind: whether it was safe elderly woman to give birth, would she be able alone to deal with growing and education of the child, without a man beside her, who would help her; What if she born twins, because she had heard that in most cases, when is used IVF, were born twins. She shared her hopes and fears with her sister. Laura reassured her that whatever happened she will be up to her and helps her as she cared for her when she was younger.

After days and weeks of fighting with herself, Sarah finally decided to do IVF whatever it cost to her. She took her coat and went to fix the date of starting the process. She was very excited and elated that finally, she would get what she most wanted in life. She was walking on the road felt as if the whole world around her was tunned to her joy. At the hospital, doctors told her everything about the process and she confirmed her decision. She did what was necessary and now had only to wait for a miracle to happen.

After a few months, she was already pregnant. She knew that there would be twins. She informed her sister and her colleagues, who all along supported her in her decision. Everyone was excited. Sarah always helped them and was empathized with the concerns and problems and now they rejoiced sincerely of her happiness.

The nine months passed imperceptibly to the future mother. When the time drew near for the birth in her chest appeared a heavily pitching feeling as if something strangled her. She shuddered at the thought that something could happen to her. She shared the concerns with her sister. Laura began to calm her and talked to her how much happy they would be and how their children would play together and make mischief. Sarah smiled, but the bad feeling remained.

The laboring Sara was taken to the hospital because it was time to give birth. Laura accompanied her sister and told her that everything would be fine. Doctors told Sarah that it was dangerous for her and the babies to give birth naturally, because of her old age and they should be born by caesarean. They put her into anesthesia and took her in the operating room. When they finished, the midwife came to Laura and told her that they had two healthy boys. She was elated and said that her sister would be very happy.

Sarah was out of anesthesia and wanted to see her boys. Laura asked the midwife if she could bring them to her sister. When she entered the room, the face of Sara was brightened, she was infinitely grateful that finally would hold in her hands the children so long she dreamed for. She began kissing them in tears. It seemed that she had nothing to want more, because her happiness was complete. But suddenly terrible abdominal pain darkened her joy. It was as if something inside cut her. Her temperature increased. The doctors could not understand what was wrong. After numerous analysis, they established that they have forgotten something in her abdominal during cesarean and this had caused inflammation of the uterus, which she can die from if they do not operate her immediately. Hearts of two sisters shrank from fear and anxiety. Then Sarah told Laura that if anything happened to her, she would take care of babies and she said she was glad that at least had a chance to glimpse them.

Laura stepped into the hallway heartbroken and was waiting with anxious heart what would happen to her beloved sister who always sacrificed for her. She called her husband Nick. He came immediately to the hospital, hugged her, and told her that everything will be fine.

After 3 months…

Laura was walking in the park with two twins in the stroller. Beside her was her husband Nick, who held the little hands of their two children — Nelly and George. They sat on a bench near a lake. Nelly and George began to run around and throw stones into the water. Laura stared at the smiling faces of two little boys in the stroller — the sons of her sister. She told Nick that she missed her sister very much and if she was alive, she would be very proud, because the babies were very beautiful and quiet, just like her. She pulled out from her bag a wooden tile and showed to him what was written on it. That was the promise that both with Sarah had given to each other after the death of their parents. She was crying and her lips drawn out that she could not fulfill her promise. Then Nick hugged her. He told her that now she fulfill her promised through taking care of her sister’s children. They looked at the stroller with both boys and smiled.

