6 Ways To Prevent A Cyber Attack From Affecting Your Business

5 min readJul 22, 2021

Do you know organisations are projected to be attacked by ransomware every 11 seconds in 2021?

As a matter of fact, recent studies have revealed that in the past two years, nearly 32% of businesses have witnessed a cyber security attack or breach and more than 600 cyber attacks have been blocked against companies in the UK alone.

This means just one thing — it’s high time that you start taking the cyber security of your organisation seriously. But the real question here is, how is it that you can prevent a cyber attack from rendering your business inoperative.

Well, in this article, we’ve put together our top six ways to help your business safeguard its IT infrastructure from being affected by a potential cyber attack.

Let’s take a look!

1. Encrypt and Back Up Your Confidential Information

From the notorious WannaCry outbreak to Teslacrypt, all these cyber attacks afflicted more than 200,000 computers across 150 countries and wiped out thousands and thousands of data.

What these instances teach us is that encrypting and backing up all your confidential business information has become more important than ever before!

By installing unified endpoint management solutions along with a disaster recovery plan, you can not only identify and prevent threats from happening but also recover your data across any IT environment. Not only that, you can also allow your infrastructure to grow and evolve without the requirement of expensive upgrades.

2. Stop and Secure Your Business from Cyber Threats

In the year 2018, nearly 4.5 billion records were disclosed due a data breach whereas in 2019, over 2.7 billion identity records along with 774 million email addresses and 21 million passwords were shared online for sale.

This shows us how crucial it is for businesses to deploy unified endpoint management (UEM) along with other cyber security measures to know and expect the signs of a possible threat on their organisation. As a business, you also need to have identified patterns in place as it helps you categorise cyber threats into blacklist and whitelist while also ensuring authorised access isn’t falsely tagged as unauthorised.

Moreover, when you have an iron-clad cyber security protection, you can make sure that cyber criminals aren’t granted easy access to your files, networks and other systems.

3. Train Your Employees On Cyber Security Measures

It doesn’t matter which industry your business belongs to, because you’re still vulnerable to a cyber attack.

So, what is it that you can do to remain compliant and protect your company?

Well, the best place to start would be your employees. Offer them regular training on the updated cyber security measures and tighten up those loose tech ends. You could also seek assistance from a professional IT support provider to give your proper guidance on how to prevent data breaches.

By providing regular training to your staff and other IT personnels, you’ll not only be educating them on the latest cyber security measures but also ensuring that they don’t fall prey to phishing attacks customised particularly for the top employees of an organisation.

4. Design a Workplace Culture That Focuses on Security

While having a robust cyber security solution in place will help you protect your business from letting cyber criminals walk freely through your door, creating a security focused culture will allow the entire company to prevent hackers from getting hold of your data.

Since insider attacks have become way too serious in the past few years, it’s imperative that you have a strong data policy in place for everyone. Also, ensure that you have access restrictions in place — after all, you don’t want people working on a freelance basis with your organisation to have access to files they don’t need.

By creating a workplace that primarily focuses on security, you can enable your employees to effectively drive disaster recovery, data protection and migration. You can also seamlessly integrate other important solutions in your operations.

5. Have Regular Audits

Although it isn’t possible to completely get rid of cyber attacks, there are still several ways that can help you review and evaluate the security measures you have in place.

This will not only make sure your systems and networks are working properly but also discover any vulnerabilities within your process and improve your defence without creating massive catastrophe in your business. It will also reduce your maintenance expenses and let you have a peace of mind that your customer’s information is safe at all times!

With regular audits, you can also assess your deployment to discover potential gaps, suggest improvements and lower maintenance efforts along with various risks to your organisation’s daily operations.

6. Fight Current Technology With Latest Technology

As per several reports, it has been observed that nearly 48% of executives had revealed that budgets for AI-based cyber security will increase on an average of 29%. On the other hand, 64% revealed that AI will help businesses lower their expense to identify and react to breaches while lowering the time taken to identify breaches by 12%.

This means, it only makes sense for your business to beat the current bots with the latest bots like AI-based anti-ransomware solutions. In doing so, you’ll be able to safeguard your data for any deployment, storage, environment and workload via any recovery technique.

What’s more, the use of the latest technologies will ensure that you’re focusing on the five major levels of integration that is privacy, security, safety, authenticity and accessibility.

To Conclude

As many businesses think, data protection isn’t really a financial and logistical minefield. You do not require extortionate upfront expenses and untrustworthy upgrades to amp up the overall security of your organisation.

All you need to do is follow the crucial steps mentioned above (although in a dedicated manner) and your business will be good to go!

That said, if you haven’t yet thought about the security of your business, it isn’t too late. Simply leverage one or all of the points we’ve shared in this article and start your journey towards creating a security focused workplace.

