Celebrating My Journey Through the Practical Pentesting Pathway: Key Skills for Entry-Level Cybersecurity Roles 🔒

Perry Ausbrooks
2 min readMay 9, 2023


🎯 Introduction:
- Excited to share that I’ve completed the Practical Pentesting Pathway
- Developed essential skills for entry-level cybersecurity positions
- Prepared to tackle the dynamic world of ethical hacking

🚀 Key Achievements:
- Mastered various cybersecurity tools (Nmap, Metasploit, Wireshark, Burp Suite, and others)
- Completed hands-on labs, practicing real-world penetration testing scenarios
- Learned the importance of adhering to ethical hacking standards and guidelines
- Developed custom scripts to automate penetration testing tasks

🔑 Essential Skills Acquired:
- Network scanning and enumeration
- Vulnerability assessment and exploitation
- Web application testing and security
- Social engineering and phishing techniques
- Wireless network security and attacks
- Buffer overflow and memory corruption exploits
- Post-exploitation techniques and maintaining access

🌐 Job Hunting Tips for Entry-Level Cybersecurity Roles:
- Highlight practical experience, certifications, and relevant projects on your resume
- Network with industry professionals and attend cybersecurity conferences or meetups
- Be active on platforms like LinkedIn and Medium to showcase your knowledge and passion
- Pursue continuous learning by staying updated with industry trends and advancements

🔮 Future Goals:
- Earn certifications such as OSCP, CEH, and CISSP to further enhance my expertise
- Actively contribute to open-source projects and join a professional cybersecurity team
- Mentor aspiring cybersecurity professionals and share valuable experiences

💡 Conclusion:
- The Practical Pentesting Pathway has equipped me with crucial skills for an entry-level cybersecurity role
- Looking forward to new challenges and opportunities in the field of ethical hacking

