Common Myths About Lizards: Debunked by Experts

4 min readJun 29, 2024


Lizards are common houseguests in many regions, including Rajasthan. While some people find them fascinating, others consider them unwelcome invaders. Myths and misconceptions about these reptiles often lead to unnecessary fear and ineffective pest control measures. In this article, we’ll debunk some common myths about lizards and explain how RPCS, your reliable pest control service in Rajasthan, can help keep your home lizard-free.

Myth 1: Lizards are Poisonous

One of the most prevalent myths about lizards is that they are poisonous. In reality, most lizards are harmless to humans. While a few species can produce toxins, these are typically not dangerous to humans. In Rajasthan, the common house lizard, or gecko, is entirely non-venomous. They may look intimidating, but they pose no threat to your health.

Myth 2: Lizards Will Attack Humans

Another common misconception is that lizards are aggressive and will attack humans. Lizards are generally shy creatures that prefer to avoid confrontation. They may dart away quickly when approached, which can be startling, but this is simply a defense mechanism. Lizards are more afraid of us than we are of them. At RPCS, our Lizard Control Service focuses on humane removal and prevention, ensuring that lizards are safely relocated without harm to you or the reptiles.

Myth 3: Lizards Are Attracted to Dirty Homes

While it’s true that lizards are often found in areas with abundant food sources, such as insects, this doesn’t mean they only inhabit dirty homes. Lizards can enter any home in search of food and shelter. Keeping your home clean can help reduce their food sources, but it’s not a foolproof method to keep them out. Effective pest control, such as the services provided by RPCS, targets both lizards and their food sources, ensuring a comprehensive solution.

Myth 4: Lizards Lay Eggs Inside Homes

Many people believe that if you have lizards in your home, they will lay eggs and multiply rapidly. While lizards can lay eggs indoors, they usually prefer secluded, outdoor areas. Female lizards often look for warm, protected spots to lay their eggs. If you notice lizard eggs inside your home, it’s a sign that they have found a favorable environment. RPCS can help you identify and eliminate these nesting sites, ensuring that your home remains lizard-free.

Myth 5: Home Remedies Are Effective for Lizard Control

There are numerous home remedies touted as effective for lizard control, ranging from eggshells to coffee powder. While some of these methods might deter lizards temporarily, they are not reliable long-term solutions. Lizards can quickly adapt to these changes, and the root cause of the infestation remains unaddressed. Professional pest control services, like those offered by RPCS, use scientifically proven methods to manage and prevent lizard infestations effectively.

Myth 6: Lizards Indicate Poor Pest Control

Seeing a lizard in your home does not necessarily mean that your pest control measures are inadequate. Lizards can enter through small cracks and openings, and their presence might simply indicate that there is a food source available. Effective lizard control involves sealing entry points and reducing the insect population inside your home. RPCS specializes in integrated pest management, addressing both the entry points and the food sources to ensure your home remains pest-free.

RPCS: Your Partner in Effective Lizard Control

At RPCS, we understand that dealing with lizards can be challenging and sometimes alarming due to the many myths surrounding these creatures. Our Lizard Control Service is designed to provide you with peace of mind and a lizard-free home. Here’s how we do it:

  • Thorough Inspection: Our experts conduct a comprehensive inspection of your home to identify potential entry points and nesting sites.
  • Customized Solutions: We develop a tailored plan that addresses the specific needs of your home, using humane and effective methods to remove lizards.
  • Prevention Strategies: We implement strategies to seal entry points and reduce insect populations, making your home less attractive to lizards.
  • Follow-up Services: We provide follow-up visits to ensure that the lizard population is under control and to make any necessary adjustments to our approach.

Pest Control in Rajasthan: Beyond Lizards

RPCS offers a wide range of pest control services in Rajasthan, addressing issues with mosquitoes, rodents, termites, and more. Our goal is to provide comprehensive pest management solutions that keep your home safe and comfortable. With our expertise and commitment to quality, you can trust RPCS to handle all your pest control needs.


Myths and misconceptions about lizards can lead to unnecessary fear and ineffective pest control measures. By debunking these myths, we hope to provide you with a better understanding of these reptiles and how to manage them effectively. If you’re dealing with a lizard problem, don’t rely on myths and home remedies. Contact RPCS for professional and reliable Lizard Control Service. Our experts are here to help you keep your home pest-free, providing the best pest control in Rajasthan.

For more information or to schedule a consultation, visit our website or call us today. Let RPCS help you take control of your home and enjoy a lizard-free environment.

