Getting back in the kitchen

Richard Hughes
3 min readJul 21, 2022


Blue Enamel Coffeepot, Earthenware and Fruit by Vincent van Gogh. Oil on canvas, 1888

Getting back in the kitchen

Every resume tells a story. I’ve read thousands of resumes annually for the last thirteen years, first as a recruiter and then as Head of Talent for high growth organizations. Occasionally in my line of work a resume sticks with you. One such resume came early in my career, when I served as a volunteer Employment Specialist at a transitional housing non-profit for people with Substance Use Disorder.

After battling addiction and spending time in prison, this candidate was ready to hold steady employment, find personal dignity in work, and use a new job as a wedge to bring the other fractured parts of his life together. I often think about the objective he composed at the top of his resume after completing one of my workforce transition workshops. It read: “Get back in the kitchen and do what I love.”

In the years that have passed I have come to understand that this man’s simple sense of vocation underscores my own personal objective, helping people not only find work, but find purpose. While my work has focused on high growth tech companies, I have seen the same principle at work. When passion and purpose meet, something special happens. My career has been no different.

Robert Frost wrote, “My goal in life is to unite my avocation with my vocation/ as my two eyes make one in sight.” I’ve found that, and am excited to share that I have joined the founding team at Gutter Capital as Operating Partner and Head of Talent.

Gutter Capital is an early-stage venture capital firm building companies of consequence, focused on addressing the most critical issues facing our nation. I am excited to build teams that will tackle real problems facing the average American. When our founders succeed, open doors, level playing fields, and strengthen communities. Our legacy will be one of equity.

I am excited to partner with Dan Teran and James Gettinger on this next chapter. They are without peer in their track record of early stage investing and operating, and you will not find a more mission driven team in venture. Dan hired me as a recruiter at Managed by Q, where I grew to Head of Talent and together we built a world class team, exiting the company to WeWork in 2019. Today many familiar faces from MBQ figure prominently in the Gutter portfolio, leading organizations at Opus, Bikky, Forerunner and others. I got to know James in my capacity as an Advisor to the firm over the past year, and he brings an uncommon level of investment discipline and analytical rigor to early stage investing.

Dan and James are putting talent first at Gutter Capital, and I am excited to come onboard to lead the charge of connecting people to purpose within our portfolio. I am back in the kitchen, doing what I love. Where are you?

Every hire into our portfolio has the potential to be our next founder or partner, and we are always looking to add mission driven talent to our ranks. If you’re ready to get back in the kitchen yourself, drop me a note and I’d love to connect and share what Gutter Capital is cooking.

- Richard


Gutter Capital is an early stage venture capital firm based in New York City. We back mission driven founders building software-driven businesses with a focus on affordability, economic mobility, and sustainability.

If you’re building something we’d love to hear from you at

