Roger Pink
1 min readSep 8, 2016


The weird thing is that this backlash demonstrates courage was the correct term to use. We’re in trouble if we start ignoring context and assume any word used must be used in its most profound sense or not at all. I think everyone can agree that apple wasn’t implying their courage was on par to that of a soldier or veteran.

Apple’s courage may not be anything close to a solider’s courage, or Nelson Mandela’s courage, but it is a form of courage to innovate in the face of criticism.

Also, the problems you listed for Apple are true for almost all tech company’s (gender inequality, tax dodging, cruel manufacturing conditions). That’s true because there are no laws preventing those awful things and companies will maximize profits within the letter of the law. The laws are written by representatives voted into office by us (Yay! Representative Democracy!). I don’t think it is just Apple that lacks self-awareness.

By the way, is you replace “Apple” with “Obama” and “iPhone 7” with “Obamacare” and rewrote it a little, you probably could sell it to Fox News. In case you’re looking for a little extra cash.

