🟡The Colour Psychology Of YELLOW

2 min readOct 15, 2023


Have you ever wondered where the relationship between the visual adjective “he is so bright” and greater mental capacity comes from? The brightest color on the color wheel, yellow, is frequently used in pictures to represent new concepts, imaginative endeavors, or business ventures. You’re undoubtedly already familiar with the stereotype of a person pondering ideas while holding a bright yellow light! This is not a coincidental association because studies have shown that the color yellow increases mental activity, attentiveness, and energy.

This color’s brilliance helps people break through mental barriers and inspires them to give up their boring worldview in search of fresh ones. Yellow is often associated with mornings, when you are most awake, perceptive, and analytical and have the opportunity to start a new day in your life. And don’t just take my word for it; studies have connected yellow with greater left-side brain activity, which is known as the center of rational thought!

Linked to happiness, joy, intelligence, and vitality.
has a warming sensation, inspires happiness, piques curiosity, and releases energy in the muscles.
Because it draws attention, bright, pure yellow is the color used for taxi cabs.
Yellow can be distracting if used excessively.
It is well known that yellow rooms make newborns scream more.
Yellow denotes commitment and honor. Later, cowardice was associated with the color yellow.
Yellow-related hues include amber and beige.

