Tips from Property Management Experts on Screening Potential Tenants

Real Property Management
1 min readOct 13, 2016


The success of an apartment business greatly depends on the type of tenants it accepts. As a landlord, you can’t simply allow anyone to rent your property. You need to set qualifications to prevent missed or delayed payments, conflicts, and inappropriate behaviors at the property. To properly qualify tenants, you need a thorough screening process. This is an important step to determining a person’s background, rental history, and financial capability.

There are important steps to remember during the screening process.


Creating a detailed application form is essential to obtaining all the information you need about the tenant. You may want to gain details about their current and previous employers, income rate, bank account and credit card information, personal references, and their previous landlords’ contact numbers.



Real Property Management

Real Property Management Long Beach is a nation wide franchise with over 250 offices in the US.