Data Analysis with R programming: Strings in R program

Bilal Nuhu
2 min readDec 21, 2022


Strings are an important data type in the R programming language. A string is a sequence of characters, such as letters, numbers, and symbols. In this article, we will look at how to work with strings in R, including how to create, manipulate, and analyze strings.

Data Analysis with R programming: Strings in R program

Creating Strings

To create a string in R, you can use either single quotes (‘) or double quotes (“). For example:

string1 <- 'This is a string'
string2 <- "This is also a string"

You can also use the paste() function to concatenate (combine) multiple strings together. The paste() function takes an unlimited number of arguments and combines them into a single string. By default, the paste() function separates each argument with a space. However, you can specify a different separator using the sep argument.

string1 <- 'Hello'
string2 <- 'world'
string3 <- paste(string1, string2)
print(string3) # Output: "Hello world"

string4 <- paste(string1, string2, sep = '-')
print(string4) # Output: "Hello-world"

Manipulating Strings

R provides a number of functions and operators for manipulating strings. Some examples include:

  • toupper(): This function converts a string to uppercase. For example:
string <- 'Hello world'
upper_string <- toupper(string)
print(upper_string) # Output: "HELLO WORLD"

tolower(): This function converts a string to lowercase. For example:

string <- 'Hello world'
lower_string <- tolower(string)
print(lower_string) # Output: "hello world"

substr(): This function extracts a portion of a string. It takes three arguments: the string, the starting position, and the number of characters to extract. For example:

string <- 'Hello world'
substring <- substr(string, 1, 5)
print(substring) # Output: "Hello"

gsub(): This function performs a global substitution on a string, replacing all occurrences of a pattern with a specified replacement. It takes three arguments: the pattern to search for, the replacement string, and the original string. For example:

string <- 'Hello world'
modified_string <- gsub('l', 'L', string)
print(modified_string) # Output: "HeLLo worLd"

Analyzing Strings

R provides a number of functions for analyzing strings, including functions for finding the length of a string, counting the number of occurrences of a pattern in a string, and more. Some examples include:

  • nchar(): This function returns the number of characters in a string. For example:
string <- 'Hello world'
length <- nchar(string)
print(length) # Output: 11

grepl(): This function searches for a pattern in a string and returns a Boolean value indicating whether the pattern was found. For example:

string <- 'Hello world'
pattern_found <- grepl('H', string)
print(pattern_found) # Output: TRUE



Bilal Nuhu
Bilal Nuhu

Written by Bilal Nuhu

I write about self help and self development.

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