Rajeev Ranjan Kumar
4 min readFeb 28, 2022
Validating Heuristics Design Evaluation

“It’s a process for finding usability flaws in the design by judging it relative to known principles for what makes user interface easy to use.”

Pros of heuristics design system

  • It helps to identify and fix usability issues
  • It can be quick and cost effective
  • It can be used early in the design process
  • It can be used together with other usability testing methods

List of Heuristics

  1. User Control
  2. Human Limita­tions
  3. Modal Integr­ity
  4. Accomm­oda­tion
  5. Linguistic Clarity
  6. Aesthetic Integr­ity
  7. Simpli­city
  8. Predic­tab­ility
  9. Interp­ret­ation
  10. Accuracy
  11. Technical Clarity
  12. Flexib­ility
  13. Fulfilment
  14. Cultural Propri­ety
  15. Suitable Tempo
  16. Consis­tency
  17. User Support
  18. Precis­ion
  19. Forgiv­eness
  20. Respon­siv­eness

Now, i am going to validate all Heuristics Design Evaluation into one of my project. So let’s start… 🎉

1. User Control

User often choose system functions, by mistake and will need a clearly marked “emergency exit” to leave the unwanted state without having to go through an extended dialogue.

2. Human Limita­tions

Minimise the user’s memory load by making objects, action and option visible. Designer should use for building correct associations, recognizable elements instead of teaching users something new.

3. Modal Integr­ity

The interface uses the most suitable modality for each task (auditory, visual)

4. Accomm­oda­tion

The design is adequate to fulfill the needs and behavior of each targeted user group.

5. Linguistic Clarity

The language used to commun­icate is efficient, clear and adequate to the audience.

6. Aesthetic Integr­ity

The design is visually attractive and tailored to appeal to the target popula­tion.

7. Simpli­city

The design does not use unnece­ssary comple­xity.

8. Predic­tab­ility

Users will be able to form a mental model of how the system will behave in response to actions.

9. Interp­ret­ation

There are codified rules that try to guess the user intentions and anticipate the actions needed.

10. Accuracy

Error should be express in plain text rather than any code. Make error message clearly visible, reduce the work required to fix the problem, & educate users along the way.

11. Technical Clarity

The concepts repres­ented in the interface have the highest possible corres­pon­dence to the problem domain they are modeling.

12. Flexib­ility

The design can be adjusted to the needs and behavior of each particular user.

13. Fulfilment

The user experience is adequate and the user feels good about the experi­ence.

14. Cultural Propri­ety

The user’s cultural and social expect­ations are met.

15. Suitable Tempo

The pace at which users works with the system is adequate.

16. Consis­tency

Different parts of the system have the same style, so that there are no different ways to represent the same inform­ation or behaviour.

17. User Support

The design will support learning and provide the required assistance to usage.

18. Precis­ion

The steps and results of a task will be what the user wants.

19. Forgiv­eness

The user will be able to recover to an adequate state after an error.

20. Respon­siv­eness

The interface provides the user enough feedback inform­ation about the system status and their task comple­tion.