Rajeev Krishnan
1 min readJan 29, 2016

The first month of 2016 draws to a close and the one common thought amongst many of us at the beginning of every New Year is how time flies at break neck speed.

Resolutions are plenty , however , commitment and consistency invariably fall by the way side. It’s not the resolutions. Neither is it us or our commitments. It’s time. We are all fighting against it , to fill in our million activities, needs and necessities. Time is kind enough to accommodate every new request, especially at the beginning of the year. But as the months progress, so do our turbulence with time, only to find ourselves at the receiving end of this constant battle. And time invariably wins. Hence the constant lament ‘Don’t have time !’.

It’s time we made friends with time. Welcome time into your life with no fight, fear or grudge and you will be pleasantly surprised. A zillion resolutions hitherto unaccomplished due to paucity of time, will find slots with minimum fuss. Health, fitness, sport and diet goals start to fit in. Suddenly there’s time for a lot more. Rather, time fits you in for a lot more.

Resolve to befriend time this year. Whether health, happiness or fitness , you’re all set to look forward to a better you in 2016.

connect. goplay. have fun.