What stops people from achieving their goals?

Make Money Online with Ryan James
3 min readDec 11, 2021


Goals are very important. We set them, forget them, prioritized them etc. However, we fail to accomplish them sometimes. Why is that?

Photo by Yosep Surahman on Unsplash

Why is it that people can set a goal and not achieve it? Well, it starts with their level of dedication to it. You’ll notice like I have, that people will say one thing and do the opposite of it.

I recently witnessed this in my former business partner Eric who for three months now had set a goal of forming a business team. At first, Eric had everything going good for himself, and had put his best effort toward his goal. However, there was just one thing that stopped Eric from succeeding with his goal and it was his pride and ego. Additionally, he became someone that was hard to teach as time went on. Being teachable is very important because everyday you learn something new, and it opens your mind to new ideas.

Eric had every resource and coach available to him, including myself and my business-partner Mike. However, with too much pride and ego Eric drifted away by placing the needs of himself above the team. Also, he wasn’t coachable, so he wouldn’t listen to the opportunities that would’ve helped him and his team succeed.

Eric basically said, “My goal is to create a team.” Why did he say this but later give up on his goal? Well, it started with his dedication to the goal. As time went on, pride and ego was getting in the way of him learning so he wasn’t producing results. With no results to show for it, Eric gave up on his goal of forming a team: proving that people will say one thing, and do another failing to prioritize their goal.

Photo by Ronnie Overgoor on Unsplash

When a goal is not prioritized, it fails because you lose motivation and dedication to it. Goals fail to get prioritized because people will make excuses. Excuses are the number one cancer of goals because your letting something get in the way of your own achievement and not making your goal the priority. Eric made lot’s of excuses too, he said one thing and did another for some lazy reason. It was never good for him, and he failed as a team leader.

Listen to people who have experience that have been in your shoes. I used to be the same way when it came to setting my goals; I would say one thing and do the other. When people give you advice to help, it’s your job to listen and be open-minded because they are a part of the journey toward completing your goal. Eric who became non-teachable stopped taking my simple advice that brought me lots of success. Since he didn’t listen, I stopped giving advice so eventually he lost motivation.

The Solution
Photo by Olav Ahrens Røtne on Unsplash

The most important lesson to learn here is that when you set a goal or something you want to achieve, don’t say one thing and do the other. Also, your goals are important so dedicate your time to them. Take advice from people who know and be coachable.

Remember if you set it, don’t forget it!!!

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