Product Hunt IRL

Ryan Hoover
2 min readMay 29, 2015

Today and tomorrow, our friends in San Francisco can experience Product Hunt in person (or as we like to call it: Product Hunt IRL). ☺

A few months ago Westfield Labs came to us with this idea — what if people could experience some of the products they read about and hunt on Product Hunt in the real world? What would that experience look like?

Westfield was preparing the launch of Bespoke, a trifecta of co-working, event and demo spaces that can range from days to months, with a goal of connecting consumers with cutting edge technology along with the makers themselves.

In partnership with Westfield Labs, we brought Product Hunt to San Francisco’s Westfield Mall*, to bring makers and their products face-to-face with consumers.

Come by and chat with the people from:

  • Ringly
  • Duet Display
  • Lockitron
  • Zuli
  • Sound Sight Headphones
  • Videoball
  • Make Wonder

There are other great companies here, too. Be one of the first to experience Angry Birds VR, check out Shoes of Prey, or visit Indiegogo’s selection of crowdfunded projects.

We hope to see you this weekend!

*You’ll find Product Hunt IRL within Bespoke, nearby the Westfield Mall movie theater on the 4th floor.



Ryan Hoover

Founder of Product Hunt. Weekend Fund investor. Follow at @rrhoover.