Can I help?

Ryan Hoover
2 min readDec 13, 2016


Six years ago I loaded up an 18 foot U-Haul with my belongings, shed a few tears as I hugged my parents goodbye, and hit the US-101. My move from Oregon to San Francisco to join a startup was one of the best decisions of my life. I was inexperienced and unconnected but hungry to learn.

Over the following years, I got involved in the startup community, learning by reading and writing, but some of the most meaningful lessons came from one on one’s with generous, experienced entrepreneurs. I cold emailed people like Hiten Shah:

Hiten and many others were eager to help and I’m grateful for the time they spent.

I’m reminded of my Silicon Valley upbringing after reading this Medium post by Dustin Senos, a call-to-action to pay it forward.

Over the holiday break I’m opening up “office hours” along with several other awesome people, eager to meet and try to help others that may be in a similar position as me six years ago.

If you think I might be able to help, please sign up for office hours here.

But this isn’t entirely selfless. It’s also an opportunity for me to learn and get to know people that might become friends or successful entrepreneurs. If you think you can help and have the time to donate, consider signing up here. 🤗

P.S. Join the discussion on Product Hunt.



Ryan Hoover

Founder of Product Hunt. Weekend Fund investor. Follow at @rrhoover.