Nimiq, the world’s first in-browser block chain, is gearing up for its debut

Ryan Rowland
3 min readMay 31, 2018


This is a call to all savvy crypto investors, CPU miners, and GPU miners with spare CPU cycles!

If you haven’t yet heard, Nimiq (NIM) is the first browser-based crypto-currency and an exciting prospect for the future of crypto, having successfully deployed their main net just over a month ago. Using Nimiq’s open source software, any web developer can add a library to their page and allow users to connect to directly to the block chain from their browser.

Team Nimiq

Nimiq’s core goals are:

  • To make payment easy. The Nimiq Safe is an extremely user-friendly and secure wallet that runs right in the browser. The interface is designed to be easy to use for people of all experience levels. Additionally, a wallet extension is in the works, which will bring Nimiq up to parity with Ethereum in ease of access for participating sites.
  • To bring crypto and mining to all devices. Being able to run in the browser means that anyone with a phone can participate in mining or connecting to the block chain. To most of us, this is a given, but in many parts of the world this is groundbreaking and opens the door to crypto to millions of people.

Nimiq is doing an amazing job at fulfilling these goals. With a team full of PhDs working full-time on this project (living together in a house in Costa Rica, no less!) updates are coming rapidly. Some upcoming milestones include:

  • Ledger integration. The team has already written and submitted a fully working ledger application for NIM. This application has been pending for a while now, and has already received a preliminary thumbs up. This integration could be officially accepted any day now.
  • Wallet extension. As mentioned above, a wallet extension project has been started and promises to bring ease-of-use of PC users to parity with Ethereum.
  • Exchange listing. Nimiq was recently listed on its first exchange a couple days ago. Albeit a small exchange, being added has given NIM holders an easier way to trade NIM and has proven the stability of the price of the coin. Price jumped 20% the first day on the exchange, and has been steadily rising since (from 65 sats to 86 sats at the time of writing). Furthermore, plans are in place for addition to other, larger exchanges and I expect to see similar gains on a higher magnitude when that happens.
  • Marketing. To now, the team has been very modest in marketing as they’ve been heads-down on the technology. This is due to change as the technology becomes more robust, the coin hits larger exchanges and has more exposure.

The Golden Opportunity

This is an excellent opportunity to put some spare CPU cycles to use, as Nimiq mining uses the argon2d algorithm, which is GPU-resistant. Currently sitting at an average of 600MH/s globally, this coin is in a prime position to be mined at an excellent cost efficiency. Currently, cloud mining using AWS, Azure or Google Compute Engine can see returns between 5% — 15% at the current exchange rate.

Get Started

Anyone interested in mining this coin should consider joining a pool for more consistent payouts. There are plenty of great pools in the Nimiq community, but the instructions for getting started are very simple over at Additionally, this pool offers AWS images that making deploying fleets extremely easy, and ensures your instances run at their full hashing potential. You can join the Discord and get assistance from the awesome community at

Additionally, you can join the official Nimiq Discord at which has information on some other pools, and access to a very friendly community that will be more than happy to help newcomers get set up.

You can even mine in your browser!

Hope to see you there!

