10 ways to grow your small business

Growing your small business effectively and efficiently can be difficult. This requires a smart approach and effort from different parts of your company, including:

ritu sharma
6 min readJun 7, 2022

And because you’re still a startup, you may find yourself wearing many hats until you can afford to hire expert staff. Although growing your small business will take time and energy, there are 10 strategies you can use to accelerate business growth.

1. Do Your Research
When you are looking at how to grow your small business, you need to do market research. This allows you to better understand not only your existing customers but also your potential customers. It’s important to gain insight into your target market and know what their needs are. That way, you can see how your business can grow and change to meet those needs. Profile of Ritu

Don’t forget to research your competitors as well. Knowing what their strengths and weaknesses are can help drive your decisions about how to grow your small business appropriately.

2. Build a Sales Funnel
Your sales funnel can help take the business to the next level. Think of the sales funnel as the customer’s journey. When they enter your business or visit your website, they are at the top of the funnel. When they buy something or sign up for a service, they have successfully passed through the funnel. You should try to come up with ways to move people through the funnel to make sales. This may include giving discounts or obtaining their contact information and sending them updates about your business. Profile of Ritu

3. Increase Customer Retention
How to Grow Your Small Business It’s not enough for your business to just get new customers. You also need to keep your existing customers coming back. When you increase customer retention, you are building customer loyalty, which can lead to increased sales.

Given that acquiring a new customer costs five times more than an existing customer, focusing on retaining customers means your business won’t spend money on something that isn’t a guaranteed investment. 2

You can increase your customer retention by:

Prioritizing customer service: If you don’t treat your customers right, they won’t want to support your business. Making sure you address their concerns and give them the best possible experience shows that you value them as a customer. Profile of Ella

Using a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System: CRM systems help your business manage relationships with existing and potential customers. They help you retain customer information and identify sales opportunities. One of the biggest benefits is that the data gets stored in one place, so you and other employees who need it can access it.

Creating Customer Loyalty Programs: These programs reward your existing customers for supporting your business. They can also help you attract new customers or get back customers who have left your business.

Starting an Email Campaign: Using an email campaign can help ensure that your business remains on top of customers’ minds. This is a great way to move existing and potential customers through your sales funnel.

Connecting with customers on social media: Your customers can reach out to your business on social media to share a question or feedback, pain point, or complaint. Taking the time to respond and connect with them shows that you value their ideas and take their concerns seriously. Profile of Ella

Keep Your Promises: No one likes to feel forgotten. If you tell a customer that you will contact them for more information or contact them later, do so. If you don’t do this, it can give a bad impression of your business to your customers.

4. Attend Networking Events
Increasing the visibility of your brand can help you attract new customers and grow your business. A good way to do this is by attending networking events. Check out local professional organizations and don’t be afraid to attend some events to talk about your business.

You can participate in these events by:

Meeting and meeting other business owners
setting up booths to promote your business
Speaking as an Industry Expert

5. Practice Corporate Social Responsibility
Many customers want to do business with a company that matches their values. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) means that you recognize the impact of your business on all aspects of the community. Letting the public see what your business is doing to make a positive impact can help your business’s bottom line.

Some examples of how your business can practice CSR are:

Going Green: The benefits of running a green business go beyond affordable utility costs. It shows the public that you are serious about reducing the impact of your business on the environment. Go green and make changes to reduce your carbon footprint, such as obtaining Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification or pursuing energy-efficient projects.

Giving Back to the Community: Encourage your employees to volunteer in the communities in which they live and work. Whether it is working in a food bank or cleaning open spaces, these types of activities show that your business is serious about investing in the sector and the people. ,

Producing sustainable products: Find out if there are ways you can replace materials or change your process to create eco-friendly products.

6. Build Strategic Partnerships
Entering a strategic partnership with another business can allow you to reach a wider network of customers or align growth with strategic goals in your business plan. An example of a successful strategic partnership is between Starbucks and other national stores, such as Barnes & Noble or Target. The partnership puts the coffee chain in multiple retail stores across the country, increasing its reach and revenue. Profile of Olivia

You can also form a strategic partnership with a vendor to help you expand your business. Whatever type of partnership you form, you must manage business relationships and maintain effective vendor relationships.

7. Consider Franchising Your Small Business
Business franchising is a common growth strategy for small businesses. This means that you sell the rights to your business to an independent owner. Then, they open and operate their franchise of your business. Many well-known companies such as McDonald’s, Starbucks, and Marriott Hotels sell franchises. When a new franchise opens, it increases the number of locations your business has, which helps in generating more revenue.

Before you agree to sell the rights to your company, you need to know whether your business is franchise eligible. The franchising process is more appropriate for certain types of industries, such as fast-food restaurants or gyms.

8. Diversify Your Product or Service Offering
You have been successful in selling your core product or service to customers. After all, this is why you thought about growing your small business. Now, offering different products or services can help you acquire new customers. You can do this by:

Identifying opportunities for new products or services: Do market research to see if there is anything new you can offer your customers to buy.
Finding different ways to present your existing products: This includes subscriptions or bundles.
One business that has grown by diversifying its product offerings is Moment. The company’s early products to improve photography included lenses for smartphones. Now, the company has expanded its offerings to include apps and accessories to use with its lenses.

9. Expansion into New Markets
There is no doubt that franchising allows you to increase your customer base. But if your business is not franchising, there are options for franchising, such as expanding your business through exports. Profile of Olivia

Finding export opportunities means you can ship your products and services around the world. Benefits of exports include:

Leveraging global platforms to sell your products and services online
Opportunity to open new business locations
Access to more customers and businesses
Make your business global and allow your company to increase its market share.

10. Measure What Works and Refine As You Go
While there are many strategies you can use to grow your small business, you must measure what is working. For example, if you create a customer loyalty program and find that it is not improving customer retention, you may need to change your strategy. Maybe it’s getting a CRM and engaging with your customers regularly, or engaging with them through an email campaign or on social media.

How to Grow a Small Business Growing your small business means you have to take calculated risks. You should look at your business plan and make realistic and accurate forecasts of how you think certain strategies will work for your business.

