Interest Earned or Interest Paid By You- There lies the difference for MyInterest 7.3 iOS App

Rohit Sachdeva
2 min readJan 18, 2016


Making or paying per day. What are you ending up doing? And How much?

Lets find out at

This article displays 7.3 Released Screenshots that are self explanatory…You can Read Basic Description on iTunes App Store. Here we share Extra Images that highlight SIMPLICITY of the App in a Quick, Yet Interesting way…

Screen Navigations are through Abacus Yellow Icon. In Screen Actions are through Microscope Rounded Icon — added in 7.1 latest release on Feb’22, 2016. The Reset All Values can also be Activated by Double Tapping anywhere in the background.

Instructions and results in words at every step.

Works with iPhone and iPad. Results can scroll up and down.

And there is loan…that got converted from investment or added fresh.

Support is on Twitter @drinnovationsus
Made by @rsachdeva

MyInterest 7.3 is in App Store.

See version history for evolution of the MyInterest App



Rohit Sachdeva

Founder @drinnovationsus, Twitter @rsachdeva GitHub: rsachdeva Ruby, Clojure, Clojurescript, Swift