Wireless Login To Raspberry Pi Serial Console

Ranganathan Sankaralingam
2 min readJan 20, 2016


DigiKey’s XBee modules are simple adapters that send and receive data wirelessly over various protocol like Wifi and Zigbee, but present an easy-to-use serial interface to the wireless channel. If your device can talk to a serial port, an XBee can make it wireless.

It’s pretty simple to make two XBee’s talk to each other.

The basic idea is to program two XBee’s to talk to each other. Set the serial baud rate to 115200, the default for Raspberry Pi’s Raspbian OS.

You need one XBee that converts from serial to wireless, and another that converts from USB to wireless.

Connect the serial-to-wireless one to your Raspberry.

Connect the USB-to-wireless one to your computer.

On Mac and Linux:

screen /dev/tty.something 115200

You’re talking to your Raspberry’s serial console!

