How to hit your running goals, step #1: Setting an overlying goal

Dr. Rajpal Brar
2 min readMay 12, 2018


Improving running performance while preventing injury

Whether you’re a high level competitive runner, an amateur runner. or relatively new to the sport— each of us has certain goals and milestones we’d like to hit.

With my running clients, I always ask: How can we set you up for success so you can hit and surpass those goals?

The first step is focusing on the creation of the goal itself, specifically setting a goal that is specific and measurable. This informs and directs every subsequent step.

(If you’d prefer to watch the vlog — click here. If not, carry on!)

1 — Setting a specific & measurable running goal

The more ambiguous the goal, the harder it becomes to create a detailed plan, measure progress, and ultimately achieve. We want to fight against that haziness by increasing the clarity of your goals.

If you have a general goal in mind, narrow it down to a specific goal and then make it objectively measurable.

I’ll use myself as an example:

  • My general goal heading into 2018 was“run more this year”, and I had been running predominantly 5k’s up to that point.
  • However, I wanted to run a 10k so the the goal was narrowed down to “run a 10k this year”. Definitely more specific and measurable.

The last part was to choose a date/race in order to set the timetable:

  • I had a rotation in Atlanta and had been meaning to go back, so why not use this race as an excuse?
  • The Chattahoochee road race in Atlanta took place in early March.
  • So now the goal was narrowed down to “run a 10k in March at the Chattahoochee road race”. Very specific and measurable.

That’s step 1. In the next post I’ll go through step 2 which is breaking down the goal into actionable and digestible steps.

Thanks for reading and until next time.

Dr. Rajpal Brar, DPT is the founder of 3CB Performance, a health and wellness clinic in West Los Angeles, and theinjuryinsight, a sports blog and resource.

To set-up a free 15 min injury screen or consult, click here.

Originally published at



Dr. Rajpal Brar

Doc of Physical Therapy (DPT) focused on holistic injury rehab & prevention, stress management, & performance. Founder of 3CB Performance &