An introduction of my prove me wrong blog series

Roy Shadmon
2 min readJan 14, 2020

Prove me wrong. #1

An introduction.

My name is Roy and I’m a 23 year old PhD student at UC Santa Cruz and a Security Engineer at Looker Data Sciences.

The goal of this blog series, titled Prove me wrong., is a platform to discuss my personal, professional, and random experiences in my day-to-day life and create a dialogue about behavior, life goals, and personal thoughts on certain topics. A big topic I plan to discuss is my life as a graduate student — the good and the bad — with the goal to enlighten prospective graduate students on what grad school is like.

All of these thoughts and statements are my own. Please keep in mind that you may differ with some of my thoughts, which may happen since we do not all share the same past and present experiences in our lives. I strongly encourage you to read this blog with an open mind and in return I will also be reading your comments with an open mind. An old philosopher once said:

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” — Aristotle

and I hope we can do just that.

I welcome an open discussion to all of my posts and I’d like to encourage anyone to share their experiences and/or thoughts on the topics that I discuss, especially if you share a different perspective as me. I believe that an open dialogue is important to grow as a human-being so please don’t shy away from proving me wrong.

I look forward to sharing my thoughts, reading your responses, and gaining new insights from you.



Roy Shadmon

PhD student @ UC Santa Cruz | Security Engineer @ Looker