Two new book releases on Amazon

Rodrigo Bittencourt Shauy
2 min readFeb 5, 2023


Kimmy Fallin’ in Autumn ($6.99)

In this chapter book for elementary schoolers, six-year-old Kimmy Border Collie had been looking forward to the farm field trip: picking pumpkins, making apple cider, petting the animals, making scarecrows, going on hay rides, and so on. But oh, no! Starting from the head farmer’s speech, this field trip turned into a social skills trip — with the farmers forcing the students to have conversations at all times! Kimmy may not be antisocial, but all this talk about communication skills and the lack thereof rattled her so much that her body felt pooped out! Will she ever recover in time for Halloween?

Find it here:

Welcome to Sunny Plains Elementary School, Bingo: A Sparky Jr. Story ($7.99)

In this picture book, seven-year-old blue cat Bingo had just started at a new school in a new town in the middle of the year. The new school is Sunny Plains Elementary School — otherwise known as SPES — where there’s a lively cast of characters and a whole new culture to get used to. But with the help of his classmates and potential friends, he eventually becomes a part of SPES.

Find it here:

