Sithija Mihiranga
4 min readAug 16, 2023



A database management system (DBMS) is a piece of software that makes it easier to create, arrange, manage, and manipulate databases. Databases are organized collections of structured data that make it easy to store, retrieve, and manipulate data.


Data Independense

DBMS gives reflection layers that permit clients and applications to associated with the database without requiring to know the basic physical structure. This division is known as information autonomy.

Data Security and Access Control

DBMS permits chairmen to characterize client parts and consents, controlling who can get to particular information and perform certain activities.

Data Integrity and Constraints

DBMS enforces rules and constraints on data to maintain its accuracy and reliability. These constraints could be primary keys, foreign keys, unique constraints, etc.

Data Backup and Recovery

DBMS gives components for making reinforcements of information and logs, permitting recuperation of information in case of framework disappointments or information debasement.

Concurrency Control

DBMS handles circumstances where different clients or forms get to the same information at the same time, guaranteeing information consistency and avoiding clashes.Scalability and Performance

Scalability and Performance

Advanced DBMS frameworks are outlined to handle huge sums of information and tall exchange loads. They incorporate optimization methods for effective inquiry execution.

Data Modeling and Design

Legitimate database plan includes modeling the information structure, connections, and imperatives. This makes a difference guarantee proficient information capacity and recovery.


Normalization may be a handle of organizing information in a way that diminishes repetition and makes strides information keenness. It includes isolating bigger tables into littler ones and setting up connections between them.


DBMS permits the creation of lists, which move forward information recovery speed by giving speedier get to ways to particular information focuses.

Database Types

Examples of Popular DBMS

Database Design Process

Planning a database includes analyzing prerequisites, making an Entity-Relationship (ER) graph, normalizing information, and interpreting this plan into the DBMS construction.



A Social Database Administration Framework (RDBMS) may be a software that manages social databases. It’s outlined to store, organize, and oversee information employing a organized approach where information is put away in tables with lines and columns. Each table speaks to a particular substance, and the connections between tables are set up through keys.

Key Concepts;

  1. Tables: Information is put away in tables, which comprise of columns and columns. Each push speaks to a record, and each column speaks to a field or property of that record.
  2. Rows: Lines contain the real information records. Each push in a table is extraordinarily distinguished by a essential key.
  3. Columns: Columns characterize the properties or properties of the information. Each column incorporates a particular information sort that decides the kind of information it can hold (e.g., numbers, strings, dates).
  4. Essential Key: A essential key could be a interesting identifier for each push in a table. It guarantees that each record is unmistakable and can be gotten to proficiently.
  5. Foreign Key:A outside key could be a field that builds up a relationship between two tables. It joins the essential key of one table to a field in another table, making a way to put through related information.
  6. Normalization:Normalization is the method of organizing information in a way that decreases excess and guarantees information judgment. It includes breaking down huge tables into littler ones and setting up connections between them.
  7. SQL (Structured Query Language): SQL is the dialect utilized to connected with RDBMS frameworks. It permits you to make, adjust, and recover information from databases. Common SQL commands incorporate SELECT, Embed, Upgrade, and Erase.


  1. Easy to use
  2. Secure
  3. Data manipulation
  4. Limit redundancy or replication of data
  5. Better integrity
  6. Provide physical data independence
  7. Offer logical database independence — data can be viewed in different ways by different users.
  8. Better backup and recovery procedures
  9. Provides multiple interfaces
  10. Multiple users can access which is not possible in DBMS

Popular RDBMS Systems


In outline, the most qualification between DBMS and RDBMS lies within the structure and organization of information. A DBMS may be a broader category that includes different sorts of databases with less organized information capacity, whereas an RDBMS may be a particular sort of DBMS that centers on putting away information in organized tables with well-defined connections. The choice between employing a DBMS or an RDBMS depends on the nature of your information, the complexity of connections, and the level of information judgment required for your application. On the off chance that your information is well-suited to a organized, table-based approach, an RDBMS is likely the superior choice; something else, a DBMS might suffice for less complex information capacity needs.



Sithija Mihiranga

Studies Bachelor of ICT Honours (BICT) at university of Jaffna (vavunia campus)