What is High-Level-Programming Language?

Saikrishna Reddem
4 min readMar 21, 2019


In Comparison with Low-level-Programming Languages

High-level programming languages mean that languages of writing computer instructions in a way that is easily understandable and close to human language. High-level languages are created by developers so that programmers don’t need to know highly difficult low level/machine language. Programmers can easily learn high-level languages as it is very close to human language. Where as ,in low level programming languages, programming is done which is associated with the machine( or we can say Hardware).

To be Concise , High-level-Programming Languages are associated with human understandable,the way its in syntax or style of code is easily understandable and other case low-level-programming languages are complex to learn because it is associated with machine language which every instruction we pass will be in binary format like 0 or 1 (Hardware).

First, types: a computer chip just runs like ticker tape on a series of binary digits (bits) of a certain width, e.g. 64

this wide:

  1. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
  2. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

An assembler takes the binary potential above and allows it to be expressed in terms of op-codes (operation codes) in a text document or distilled from a static programming language.

A low level language is one that can be reduced directly to assembler. Since Java byte code undergoes this process, then Java is a low level language — you are expected to be cognisant of machine types as an author.

A higher level language is one in which fundamental machine types, such as int, char, double, pointers etc which map onto a chip architecture are not necessarily concepts you need to concern yourself with as an author.

Abstraction of levels/layers of Programming languages is like a cake. At the bottom interacting with the hardware is binary which the computer actually understands. Then on top of that you have something like assembly or C (low level languages) which is about where drivers and such things live. Then you’ve got some sort of operating system sitting there talking back amd forth with everything. It holds things together like a layer of frosting. On top of that live some programs like another layer of cake. Then at the very top are high level programming languages that look pretty to humans like pretty little flowers on top of a cake. They generally have some sort of interpreter that translates the program into something closer to what the computer can understand. So high level programming languages are literally built on top of lower level ones in such a way that they do not actually care what sort of hardware they are really running on because something else is actually interacting with the hardware.

  1. Binary :


In the beginning, this is how we “talked” to computers. It was called binary or machine language and it was very difficult to work with. Machine language consists of just long sequences of ones and zeros. In the end all programs must still be translated into binary code as this is the only thing computers really understand. Fortunately we have utilities to translate our programs into the binary language that the computer understands.

2. Assembly Language:

This is a programming language that is a little more understandable but still requires that you understand how the microprocessor, the heart of the computer, works. Assembly language was a big step forward. In order for the computer to understand the assembly language program however, it must be translated into binary code by a special program called an Assembler.

3. High level languages

As with assembly language, high level languages must also be translated into machine language by a special utility program. In this case it is two utility programs, a compiler which first translates the high level language code into what is called object code then in a final step a Linker creates the executable binary code.

