What Is Economic Bubble? How Is It Formed? How Does It Bursts? What Happens After It Bursts? Everything You Need To Know!!

Piya Sharma
2 min readMar 19, 2022


We've all heard of a Bubble in Share Market.... right?

like, recently there was a tech Bubble Burst in the year 2000-2001....

& also, there are bubbles in Real Estate, as well.... you know it was the Housing Bubble bursts that lead to the worst Financial Crisis (of 2008) since the Great Depression....!

So Yeah! We've all herad of the term "Bubble"....

But have you ever wondered what is this "Bubble" all about in Share Market, Real Estate & all?

Pretty sure that you did wondered.... 'cuz that may be the reason that you are here.... right now....


So today we are gonna talk 'bout what exactly a Bubble is.... & its 4 stages explaining-- how is it formed.... how does it bursts & what happens after it bursts....

So here we start with....

What Is A Bubble?

A bubble in general is a condition in which the prices of certain assets are skyrocketed by the investors because of their overly optimistic expectations & irrational behaviour!

Pretty sure.... this will make a lot more sense by the end of this article.... So continue reading!

Lets now talk bout the stages of an Economic Bubble.... So....,

Here We Go....

Read More....

