RSSJ Design
3 min readJan 23, 2018

Starting a branding process for beginners.

Where do you start with branding? Do you have an idea what it’s all about?
Thinking of an idea is easy, this is the easiest task to do. But the branding of an “idea” is one of the most important elements that will ensure your idea is a success.

I know a lot of people that don’t understand the term branding. Like it is an alien terminology that is unheard of in the community. Everyone and anyone will consume brand and look up to branding without realizing what branding means.

I believe this is because we consume, we take and absorb in all this branding. But do not actually understand the strategy behind it.

So let’s say you’re on the opposite side of this and are about to create this experience for what was once “you”.

For me, the seed of a brand is the meaning and the message that you’re trying to deliver and portray. What is your product or service all about? Who are your target market and recipient? What is your solution?

Next step in this journey is to start the initial identity building process which is a brainstorming of ideas of what you want the overall look of your “brand” to be like. Meaning sketches, doodles, and shapes.

If your not a creative person, leave this to the expertise of the designers. If you do not have the slightest idea of what your image should look like, the background and meaning alone should be enough basis for a designer to grow concepts from scratch.

Develop this until you have seen something you believe is good enough to take further. Using the logo that has been born, create mockups on different platforms such as social media, website, paper media, and signage.

According to what your brand/service is all about. So if you’re creating a product, you need to envisage what this logo is going to look like visually.

Will it attract your target market? Does it stand out? Is it appealing and vibrant? Does it suit its purpose?

Take this to a focus group that can give you honest feedback of what you have built so far. Ask them important questions that you know will give you what you need to develop the best possible solution/product.

With a response from the focus group and your mock ups of the logo on different platforms this should help you make a decision what to do next. This is one of the latest stages of a branding process for a start up or beginner.

This is one of the simplest ways of starting a brand, there is different levels of “branding”.

Some businesses do not have any branding or image at all. This determines what kind of market placement you want in the world. Are you looking to serve your local vicinity and just allow your product/service to do its job? Are you trying to compete with other competitors in the market? Do you believe branding is important to succeed?

So many factors will play a part in what your brand will become and how far it will go in the playing field. It just depends what you expect and what you want from it.

I don’t believe money is an aspect in building the best brand. Some brands are built without a penny in the bank. Its your mindset and your vision that decides this, and willingness to understand what branding means.

Once you have grown your identity you can now push this into the market and take the ride.

So simple steps you should think about before starting:

  • Idea initiation & Brainstorming
  • Doodles & sketches of logo/image
  • Design development
  • Focus group market research
  • Deployment of your brand
  • Advertising and marketing avenues

This is just the surface of a simple branding process. To find out more start up, design and branding related write ups, follow me for more reads.

RSSJ Design

Our designers, developers, film makers, have a wealth of experience and commercial knowledge. Which means our work is well targeted, meaningful and effective.