Reputation and Social Media

Ruvimbo Sharon Tagwira
3 min readMay 29, 2020


Eight years ago I took a decision to limit my social media presence. There were many reasons for this, but the over-arching need was greater privacy, and control of who I allowed into my life, even if it was virtually.

“Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it and the tree is the real thing” Abraham Lincoln

There is another reason I am grateful for having maintained a limited social media presence, and that is my reputation. One comment put out without thought can be damaging, and taken without context cost you opportunities. If someone has not met me in person, a retweet I made may be their only context on my values.

Over the last ten weeks, I have sat in Allison Kluger’s class (Reputation Management: Strategies for Successful Communicators). In the first session she made this comment:

“Reputation is like an echo, it enters the room before you and stays after you leave.”

I began an audit of what entered the room before me, for people who had never met me and had no reference from another person on me. I knew there was nothing I would be embarrassed with online, but also realized there was nothing to recommend me either. The internet had a summary of my academic and career achievements, but nothing on my warmth and passion. I started to rethink my stance on social media.

This week in class our guest was Kudzi Chikumbu . He gave us tips on creating a social media presence. He gave us some nuggets on how to create an online presence that shows your passions and gives you a voice online without damaging the reputation you have built. He shared a framework with the three pillars of Intentions, Actions, and Results that you can use to build an effective online presence.

My main takeaway was to articulate your intentions before starting on any social media journey. If you are like me, and a little unsure about where to start building a social media presence, I suggest you start right here with intentions:

  1. Decide what you wish to share with the world. What aspect of your existing reputation do you wish to share with the wider community? Know what you wish to keep private and what you would like to share. There must ALWAYS be an intent.
  2. Choose your platform, where you can reach the audience you are seeking, and adjust your settings to enhance your profile and protect it.
  3. Post regularly, and in line with your intent. Use your own voice and be original. You do not need to copy another user.
  4. Use all forms of media — written words, pictures, and videos. Let your voice be heard, literally.
  5. Interact on the platform with other users and uplift them. Interact more than you post.
  6. Regularly review the result of your reputation building. Is the original intention coming through?

and one last one from me….

7. Start small, and be smart. This is your reputation we are talking about.



Ruvimbo Sharon Tagwira

An avid learner(Stanford GSB), I know how to count (Actuary) and get things done (General Manager). Read on to learn about my passions!