Do you still use post-it notes to store your list of passwords?

Renato Marques
4 min readDec 30, 2022

I would sincerely recommend using a password manager or some other method of password storage instead of writing passwords on post-it notes or other physical documents. It is generally considered to be more secure to store passwords in this way.

Using a password manager is a good security measure that can help protect your online accounts and sensitive information. It is an effective way to improve the security of your online activities and reduce the risk of identity theft and other online threats.

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A password manager is a software program that helps you securely store and manage your online passwords. It generates strong, unique passwords for your online accounts and stores them in a secure, encrypted manner. This means that you don’t have to remember multiple passwords for all of your online accounts, and you don’t have to use the same password for multiple accounts, which can increase your online security.

When you use a password manager, you only need to remember a single master password, which unlocks access to all of your other passwords. The password manager will automatically fill in the correct username and password for you when you log in to an online account, making it easier and more convenient to use multiple passwords.

Password managers also often include additional features, such as the ability to store other types of sensitive information, such as credit card numbers and security questions, in a secure manner. Some password managers also include features that alert you to potential security vulnerabilities with your online accounts, such as weak passwords or data breaches.

This software is a valuable tool for anyone who wants to improve the security of their online accounts and make it easier to manage multiple passwords.

There are a few reasons why some people may be skeptical about using a password manager. One reason may be that they are concerned about the security of the password manager itself. If the password manager is hacked or compromised, it could potentially give an attacker access to all of the passwords stored within it.

However, it’s important to note that reputable password managers use advanced encryption techniques to protect the passwords stored within them, and they often include additional security features such as two-factor authentication to further protect against unauthorized access. Additionally, many password managers offer a feature called “zero-knowledge,” which means that the company that operates the password manager does not have access to your passwords, further increasing security.

Another reason why some people may be skeptical of password managers is that they are concerned about the convenience and usability of the software. Some people may worry that it will be difficult to use or will make it more inconvenient to access their online accounts. However, most modern password managers are designed to be easy to use and offer seamless integration with popular web browsers and other software programs, making it convenient to use and access your passwords.

In General, while it’s understandable that some people may be skeptical of password managers, it’s important to carefully research and compare different password manager software programs to find one that is both secure and convenient to use. A reputable password manager can be a valuable tool for improving the security of your online accounts and protecting your sensitive information.

There are many password manager software programs available, and the best will depend on the criteria being used to evaluate them. However, some popular password manager programs that are often mentioned as top choices include:

  1. LastPass: LastPass is a password manager that stores and generates strong, unique passwords for your online accounts. It also includes a password manager and a feature called “Security Challenge,” which analyzes your passwords and alerts you to any weak or compromised ones.
  2. Dashlane: Dashlane is a password manager that stores and generates strong, unique passwords for your online accounts. It also includes a password manager and a feature called “Security Dashboard,” which provides an overview of the security of your online accounts and offers recommendations for improvement.
  3. KeePass: KeePass is a free, open-source password manager that stores and generates strong, unique passwords for your online accounts. It is highly customizable and has a range of advanced features, making it a popular choice for power users.
  4. Bitwarden: Bitwarden is a password manager that stores and generates strong, unique passwords for your online accounts. It also includes a password manager and a feature called “Security Health,” which analyzes your passwords and offers recommendations for improving their security.

The best one for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences. However, in my opinion, 1Password is generally considered to be a top choice among password manager software programs.

1Password is a tool that stores and generates strong, unique passwords for all of your online accounts. It also includes a password manager, which allows you to store and organize your passwords in a secure, encrypted manner. In addition, 1Password includes a feature called “Watchtower,” which alerts you to any potential security vulnerabilities with your online accounts, such as weak passwords or data breaches.

One of the key benefits of 1Password is that it is easy to use and has a user-friendly interface. It is also highly secure, with advanced encryption techniques and two-factor authentication options. 1Password is also available on a wide range of devices, including desktop and mobile devices, making it convenient to use and access your passwords from anywhere.

1Password is my top choice for password management software due to its security, convenience, and user-friendliness. It is a reliable and effective way to manage and protect your online passwords and accounts.

Again, the specific top four or five password managers will depend on the criteria being used to evaluate them. It’s a good idea to research and compare different password manager software programs to determine which one is the best fit for your specific needs and preferences.



Renato Marques

telco for a living and an OSINT Analyst wannabe for fun. Digital rights; crypto; free software; net neutrality; UBI and animal welfare and rights