The Teachings of Jesus about Tithes and Offerings


What are the teachings of Jesus about tithes and offerings? The teachings of Jesus Christ, the central figure of Christianity, hold immense significance and authority for believers worldwide. When it comes to the topic of tithes and offerings, Jesus shared insights that shed light on the true heart and purpose behind giving. Let us explore what Jesus said about tithes and offerings — delving into His teachings and discovering the profound lessons they impart.

Lessons of Jesus’ teachings about tithes and offerings

The Widow’s Offering: In Mark 12:41–44 and Luke 21:1–4, Jesus shares an impressive lesson through the story of the widow’s offering. While observing people putting their gifts into the temple treasury, He highlights the widow’s humble gift of two small copper coins. Emphasizing that her contribution, though seemingly insignificant in monetary value, surpassed all others. Jesus points out that faithful giving is not measured by the amount given but by the sacrificial heart and devotion behind it.

Giving with a Pure Heart: In Matthew 6:1–4, Jesus addresses the motivation behind giving. He cautions against giving to be seen by others. Instead, He urged His followers to give secretly, without seeking public acknowledgment or praise. Jesus highlights the importance of giving with a pure heart and genuine intention. Thus, He reminds believers that giving should be an act of worship and obedience to God rather than seeking human recognition.

Greater than tithes:

In Matthew 23:23, Jesus confronts the religious leaders of His time. He emphasized that they meticulously tithed even from their spices, herbs, and other minor possessions. In contrast, they neglected the weightier justice, mercy, and faithfulness matters. Jesus does not dismiss the importance of tithing but highlights that a balanced perspective is crucial. He called for focusing on matters of the heart and actions that bring righteousness and compassion.

Treasure in Heaven: In Matthew 6:19–21, Jesus teaches about the transitory nature of earthly treasures and urges His followers to store up treasures in heaven instead. He emphasizes the eternal value of investing in God’s kingdom and encourages a mindset that prioritizes the accumulation of spiritual treasures over temporary worldly possessions. Additionally, Jesus inspires believers to align their giving with heavenly purposes and eternal rewards.

The Joy of Generous Giving:

In Acts 20:35, the Apostle Paul reflects on the teachings of Jesus, quoting Him as saying, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” While not directly recorded in the four Gospels, this statement is a timeless reminder of the joy and blessings of a generous and selfless disposition. Jesus exemplified a life of sacrificial giving, and His teachings inspire believers to emulate His attitude of love, compassion, and generosity.

Furthermore, Jesus’ teachings on tithes and offerings go beyond the mere observance of religious duty. He highlights the importance of giving from a sincere and sacrificial heart. He, likewise, emphasized the intention, purity, and devotion behind our giving. Jesus calls His followers to embrace a holistic approach to righteousness, prioritizing justice, mercy, faithfulness, and financial stewardship.


As we apply Jesus’ teachings to our lives, let us cultivate a spirit of joyful, sacrificial giving — whether through tithes, offerings, or benevolence. Let us remember the widow’s humble offering, the call to store treasures in heaven, and the blessings flowing from an open-handed generosity. Through following the teachings of Jesus, we discover that giving becomes an expression of our love for God and a means to impact the lives of others in profound ways.

May we embrace the transformative wisdom of Jesus’ teachings on tithes and offerings. Hence, allowing His words to shape our attitudes, actions, and the way we steward our resources for the glory of God and the betterment of humanity.

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Grace Favor, Author Maximizing My Divine Destiny

The founder and president of Grace Favor Ministries and Author. I care about Inspiring and Motivating others. My site: