What to do if you can’t afford a lawyer for a personal injury case?

Nicholas R. Thompson
3 min readFeb 11, 2023

If you can’t afford a lawyer for a personal injury case, there are many resources available to help you. The bar association in your area may be able to refer you to free legal services or pro bono legal services.

You can also contact the local legal aid society or public defender’s office in your state. They have lawyers who work on a sliding fee scale and may accept representation even if you don’t have enough money to pay them.

If none of these options are available to you, you may be able to get help from the court system. Courts will often appoint an attorney for people who can’t afford one because they represent their interests as well as those of their clients.

What to consider when you can’t afford a lawyer

There are many reasons why you might not be able to afford a lawyer while searching for a personal injury lawyer near me. If you have been involved in a personal injury case and are unable to pay for a lawyer, there are several things that you can do.

First, it is essential to remember that it is possible to represent yourself in court if you cannot afford an attorney. If you have been injured and think that your case is worth pursuing, then it would be wise to try to represent yourself. This can be very time-consuming and hard work, but many people have done it successfully. You will need to prove your case on your own because the other party’s insurance company will most likely hire their lawyers if they feel like they have been wronged by your claim.

You should also try finding legal aid organizations in your area that can help with low-income cases like yours. They will provide free or reduced-priced representation for those who cannot afford an attorney on their own.

Tips on how to handle a personal injury case without a lawyer

First, know your rights. You have the right to see the police report and other records related to your accident. You also have the right to be present in court during the trial and make opening statements as well as closing arguments. If it’s possible, try to find out how much money you’re entitled to in compensation for pain and suffering, lost earnings, and medical bills. You can get free legal advice from the office of a public defender or the non-profit legal services organization Legal Aid ).

Second, prepare yourself for trial by learning everything you can about what will happen in court. This isn’t just about knowing what evidence will be presented; it’s about knowing how the judge thinks about things like insurance coverage and precedent cases that might affect your case. For example, if there are multiple cars involved in an accident, do you think they should all be treated as one vehicle? Or do you think each driver should be responsible for their injuries? The more prepared you are for the court, the better off you’ll be when it comes time for trial.

189 S Orange Ave Suite 850, Orlando, Florida, 32801
(407) 343–5152

