The MUST Platform to register its token in the SEC

MUST Platform
2 min readJun 6, 2018


Founder and CEO of MUST Platform Anton Redko said that the project is preparing documents for the registration of the company and MUST token at the US Securities and Exchange Commission: “We are working with a team of experienced lawyers and we have no doubt that in the second half of June we will be able to register them according to the Reg D”.

Regulation D is a set of rules for small companies planning to place their securities on the US market. Compliance with these rules allows companies that do not meet the requirements of US legislation in terms of the volume of securities placement, work with accredited and non-accredited investors.

According to Redko, this is not only an attempt to enter the US market: “Project documentation will be analyzed by SEC specialists. This is a serious audit, which confirms the transparency of the project. It will demonstrate to potential investors in other regions that we are a serious and conscious business.”

About the project

The MUST platform is an ecosystem of services for digitization, tokenization, management, trading of assets and financial instruments of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises.

The real-time monitoring of the current state of assets provides smart investors with reliable information necessary for making a decision on investing in an asset.

