A Morning Tit Fuck Sweetened a Dreaded Day

Ruan Willow
3 min readFeb 16, 2022
[Ruan Willow]

A frosty glow bedazzled her skin in the early morning moonlight. The moon’s rays were waning, she knew she had to strike now. She smeared the hibiscus scented oil down her cleavage and up the internal sides of her breasts. She inhaled the luscious scent and released the full breath slowly. Her movements helped her shed the fog of sleep.

Her hot morning breath bathed his belly button before the heat of her cleavage met his erect shaft. The moan that left his mouth was swallowed by the air as her muffled grunts joined. Her body enveloped him in wet lush oiled skin that surely would finish him before his alarm even sounded.

He stirred without opening his eyes as she gently pressed her breasts around his erection. She rode him hard to the ever-increasing moans that egged her on further to please him. She grinned. She loved her control over his want for her, a delicious side effect of having big tits.

His head fell back, his hands sought relief grabbing the tufts of his sleep tousled bed head. She chuckled softly at his still closed eyes.

As more precum leaked down his shaft, she knew his eruption was looming closer. As his eyes finally opened as slits, a smile spread across his face.

The day she didn’t want to do had started. Quitting a job she needed was not her idea of a…



Ruan Willow

Ruan Willow is an erotica author, sexuality/erotica podcaster at Oh F*ck Yeah with Ruan Willow, & a voiceover narrator. https://linktr.ee/RuanWillow