Dark Alley Sex

Ruan Willow
10 min readFeb 4, 2022
[Image from Pexels]

I shift the bags all to my left hand so I can snuggle deeper into your hug as we walk down the street. I press my right breast into your side and sneak a quick peek up at your face. You are smiling down at me with a blaze of mischief in your eyes. I wonder what you have planned, something naughty and delicious knowing you.

You are carrying the brunt of the bags. We hit the after-holiday sales pretty hard, especially at the lingerie store, much to my delight, not to mention yours. My mind is running wild with your requests for a lingerie fashion show once we get back to your place.

As I walk, my thighs swish back and forth against each other in my tight black jeans. Being commando, my bare pussy lips caress each other with each step, heightening my arousal even more. I love not wearing panties so I get the feel of my own skin rubbing against itself. This alone usually sensuously swells up my lust further.

The cool air sneaks into my cleavage as a slight breeze blows past us. I grin as I glance down. My white shirt is still unbuttoned too far from when you were copping a feel of my tits in the department store in the men’s sock aisle. A middle-aged man with piercing gray eyes had caught you groping me and had grinned at us. It has me almost panting thinking about it again.



Ruan Willow

Ruan Willow is an erotica author, sexuality/erotica podcaster at Oh F*ck Yeah with Ruan Willow, & a voiceover narrator. https://linktr.ee/RuanWillow