How Many Links Does Your Content Need to Rank on Page One? (SEO)

Rubaab Naseer
3 min readApr 28, 2024

Understanding Linking and Search Rankings

When you search for something on the internet, you probably notice that some websites appear at the top of the results page. Ever wonder why? One big reason is links. Links are like pathways between different websites. When a lot of other websites link to a particular site, it tells search engines like Google that the linked site is important or trustworthy. This can help that site show up higher in search results.

Understanding the Need for Links

To rank high in search results, you need as many links as the other top-ranked websites. Think of it like a popularity contest. If lots of other websites are talking about yours and linking to it, search engines will think your site is popular and important, so they’ll show it to more people when they search for related things.

Determining the Baseline: How Many Links Do You Need?

So, how do you figure out how many links you need? Well, you look at the websites already ranking high in search results for the topic you want to rank for. Then, you see how many links they have pointing to their site. This gives you an idea of how many links you might need to compete with them.

Steps to Calculate Links Needed

  1. Choose a Broad Topic: Start by picking a general topic that you want to be known for. For example, if you run a fitness center, your topic might be “workout routines.”
  2. Run a Search: Go to Google and type in your topic. Look at the top 10 results.

Understanding Linking and Search Rankings: Ever wondered why some websites dominate the top of search results? Delve into the world of SEO linking and uncover the key factors that propel sites to the coveted page one spot.

Determining the Baseline: How Many Links Do You Need?: Discover the science behind link quantity and quality in SEO. Learn how to assess your link baseline and outshine your competitors in search engine rankings.

Linking Your Way to the Top: Ready to conquer page one? Explore actionable steps to strategically build links and elevate your website’s visibility. Let’s navigate the path to SEO success together!



Rubaab Naseer

profession: overthinker, Head of boredom club (boring people club) “I shall put my thoughts through writing.”