Rubab Sahar
3 min readSep 14, 2018

“Happiness and Success”

Happiness and success are made by each others, each have a same impact on person’s mind or life. HAPPINESS isn't about getting what you want all the time. It’s about Loving what you have and being Grateful for it. HAPPINESS is the art of never holding in your mind the memory of any unpleasant thing that has passed.Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence.

. “Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits.”When we are happy our work results will be excellent.Happiness protects your heart.Happiness strengthens your immune system.Happiness combats stress.Happy people have fewer aches and pains.Happiness combats disease and disability.

Here I want to share my experience when I start MBA I feel many difficulties.My previous education was totally changed.I did simple B.A.Most of students in my class done, B.S means they have understanding about commerce subjects.I shared my sister then she said you should leave it and enrolled in easy subjects like MA Economics, MA English.I feel very bad but I accept her feedback with smiling face and I try to overcome negativity but my father believe in myself and said You will do it.I said my father Thank You for encouraging me.

Then I feel happy and relaxed and try to focus on my study.When you are happy you do every tasks which may be every persons said you never do it.Gradually things becomes easy for me and finally I have done my MBA. Doing so will make all the difference. Because Happiness Is More Important Than Success. Out of everything that you can accomplish in life, finding fulfillment is the highest end that you will ever achieve. Happiness is the end-goal of all human behavior.

Happiness is when we do something for others.I did random acts of kindness First is I helped needy people, second is I helped my mother with household work, third is I call my aunty and asked her health, fourth is I served Tea of my mother friend and fifth is I helped my friend in study.These acts create a happy environment and feel others smiled face.Its a grateful time when others feel happy because you helped and support us.

Gratitude have a positive impact.Today I call in Edhi center Fsd and ask some detail.After the conversation I said Thank you with respect for Time and guidance.He said its ok.I feel my Thank you motivated him to do some special for others.I send Thank you email and get positive response.My experience is when we deliver positive things then automatically come back positive points.Gratitude makes us happier, boost our career, gratitude reduce materialism, Gratitude increase spiritualism and increase energy level.