Rubab Sahar
3 min readSep 20, 2018

“How to Resolve Lack of Teamwork Issues”

Lack of teamwork can be a problem for a number of reasons.People come together building relationships that result in effective Teamwork. The team leader Aligns the team through effective communication of purpose, so that individual strengths combine with teamwork to deliver the teams results. Poor teamwork can be a major drain on energy in team. It is a overall problem when moving from start-up to developing a team.It tends to happen when individuals try to impose solutions to meet their own needs, which are often in conflict with the needs of the team.

There are many reasons of Lack of teamwork in this picture shows it.Now we all group members discuss and try to find some solutions.Select Team Leader, These five strategies can help with teamwork.Be a good leader should have these qualities Whether you’re a manager, or have senior as a result of company loyalty, you are setting the tone for the rest of the employees in the workplace.Practice clear communication, Define responsibilities , Conflict resolution and Remain positive behavior.

Encourage Team members is a way to get better outcome.Try these 9 powerful ways to keep the members of your team motivated.Pay your people what they are worth, Provide them with a pleasant place to work, Offer opportunities for self-development and self learning,Encourage happiness,Don’t punish failure and Set clear, realistic and achievable goals.

Lead by example,Build up trust and respect Team members must trust each other to each do their part as well as trust their leaders to be guiding them in the right direction.Encourage socializing, Open communication, Communication is a two-way street and team members should feel like they can add to the conversation .Clearly outline roles and responsibilities.This will help overcome confusion or time spent organizing and delegating work so individuals can simply focus on their task at hand.Organize team processes these guidelines will help employees spend less time on logistics and more on their actual work.

Set defined goals. Set measurable goals within a specific time frame that group members can measure themselves against both individually and as a team. Allow team members to actively take part in decision-making.Meet regularly, Plan regular meetings, but make sure the time is used efficiently and effectively and meeting in a different place, like a coffee shop. Create space, Give your team the physical and mental space to create and work in peace.Its a way to get positive outcome.Space is also necessary in every field of life for better outcome.

Give frequent feedback, Teams should receive frequent feedback from their leaders and each other and its a way to get maximum output or results.Feedback on completed work but also include sharing any questions, insight, praise or problems the team may be having.Knowing team members weakness and try to overcome this weakness through training, counseling, involving in all activities,give more time and attention.